
Patch to make sources work

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I don't know what happened to the other patch I supplied it stopped working, 
but please find the attached patch to make the sources work properly and not 
throw errors in regards to quality level settings. The sources are broken 
currently because of this. 

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dani...@electroteque.org on 1 Oct 2012 at 12:36


FYI there is many forks of this project and they'e failed to provide patches, i 
already started on external loader / parsing support to reflect similar 
scenario as f4f. This project most likely has the mbr functionality working 
already but i dont think the code in the indexer should be replicating whats 
already in the parser / loader and just use the info model setup already. It 
would be interesting if the stream switching rules work by default with this 
too. It might be an idea to provide AES decryption by default too. 


Let me know whats going on with this project or else i'll also have to fork 
this code to provide support for it. 

Original comment by electrot...@gmail.com on 28 Oct 2012 at 10:39

As in provide extra support and make the code actually work. As of now the 
httpnetstream will throw errors if a mbr playlist is given to it because the 
level does not match the requested filename. 

Original comment by electrot...@gmail.com on 28 Oct 2012 at 10:41

Refactoring is under way, the rates parsing happens externally, with the index 
parsing still happening internally but should be made extendable therefore 
protected methods. Adding key parsing options. Alot has been cleaned up within 
the index parsing section, removed the need for those two rate vectors 
therefore reduces ram requirements. 

Original comment by electrot...@gmail.com on 28 Oct 2012 at 6:16

It would be good to merge those other projects but it seems I've already done 
what they have, and they've included my patches which are now redundant since 
these bigger changes :)

Original comment by electrot...@gmail.com on 28 Oct 2012 at 6:18

And with a bit of work , and not requiring to completely override osmf classes 
with compiler hacks, it may be possible to have both alternate audio and 
discontinuity support via the ACTION_REQUIRED event which already does the 

Original comment by electrot...@gmail.com on 28 Oct 2012 at 6:22

Please close this if you are actually around, I've refactored and cleaned up 
the code now but need to discuss about releasing the sources as it's my time 
I'm afraid. 

It's parsing now exactly like the f4m parsing and sets up multi bitrates 
correctly. Have also confirmed the switching works correctly also. It's also 
setup to parse a heap more features include encryption keys but that part needs 
to be made overridable still to implement different encryption methods. 

Original comment by electrot...@gmail.com on 5 Nov 2012 at 6:12