
RuntimeError: Failed to load checkpoint at logs-Tacotron-2\taco_pretrained/

CrazyPlaysHD opened this issue · 0 comments

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "synthesize.py", line 101, in
File "synthesize.py", line 95, in main
synthesize(args, hparams, taco_checkpoint, wave_checkpoint, sentences)
File "synthesize.py", line 37, in synthesize
wavenet_in_dir = tacotron_synthesize(args, hparams, taco_checkpoint, sentences)
File "C:\Users\Superuser\Desktop\Tacotron-2-master\tacotron\synthesize.py", line 124, in tacotron_synthesize
raise RuntimeError('Failed to load checkpoint at {}'.format(checkpoint))
RuntimeError: Failed to load checkpoint at logs-Tacotron-2\taco_pretrained/