
An example repo for the usingTellor package

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Twitter WeAreTellor

Sample project UsingTellor

The Tellor oracle is a decentralized oracle. It provides an option for contracts to interact securely with and obtain data from off-chain.

This repository aims to provide an updated version of sample code that uses Tellor by using Ethers.js, Waffle,and Hardhat.

For more in-depth information about Tellor, check out our documentation, whitepaper and FAQ page.

Quick references are included below:

Implement Tellor into your project

This repo already includes the usingTellor package.

How to use

1. Clone project and install dependencies

git clone git@github.com:tellor-io/sampleUsingTellor.git
npm install

2. How to Use

Just inherit the UsingTellor contract, passing the Tellor address as a constructor argument:

Here's an example:

contract PriceContract is UsingTellor {

  uint256 public btcPrice;

  //This Contract now has access to all functions in UsingTellor

  constructor(address payable _tellorAddress) UsingTellor(_tellorAddress) public {}

  function setBtcPrice() public {

    bytes memory _b = abi.encode("SpotPrice",abi.encode("BTC","USD"));
    bytes32 _queryID = keccak256(_b);

    bool _didGet;
    uint256 _timestamp;
    bytes _value

    (_didGet, _value, _timestamp) = getCurrentValue(btcQueryId);

    //fast bytes to uint conversion //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63252057/how-to-use-bytestouint-function-in-solidity-the-one-with-assembly

    require(_value.length == 32);
    assembly {
      btcPrice := mload(add(_value, 0x20))

Mainnet - 0x88dF592F8eb5D7Bd38bFeF7dEb0fBc02cf3778a0

Rinkeby - 0x88dF592F8eb5D7Bd38bFeF7dEb0fBc02cf3778a0

3. The sample contract SampleUsingTellor has access to the following Tellor functions:

    * @dev Retrieve value from oracle based on requestId/timestamp
    * @param _queryId being requested
    * @param _timestamp to retrieve data/value from
    * @return uint value for queryId/timestamp submitted
    function retrieveData(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) public view returns(uint256);

    * @dev Gets if the mined value for the specified requestId/_timestamp is currently under dispute
    * @param _queryId to lookup
    * @param _timestamp is the timestamp to look up miners for
    * @return bool true if requestId/timestamp is under dispute
    function isInDispute(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) public view returns(bool);

    * @dev Counts the number of values that have been submited for the request
    * @param _queryId the query to look up
    * @return uint count of the number of values received for the requestId
    function getNewValueCountbyRequestId(bytes32 _queryId) public view returns(uint);

    * @dev Gets the timestamp for the value based on their index
    * @param _queryId is the query to look up
    * @param _index is the value index to look up
    * @return uint timestamp
    function getTimestampbyRequestIDandIndex(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _index) public view returns(uint256);

    * @dev Allows the user to get the latest value for the requestId specified
    * @param _queryId is the query to look up the value for
    * @return bool true if it is able to retreive a value, the value, and the value's timestamp
    function getCurrentValue(bytes32 _queryId) public view returns (bool ifRetrieve, bytes memory _value, uint256 _timestampRetrieved);

    * @dev Allows the user to get the first value for the requestId before the specified timestamp
    * @param _queryId is the query to look up the value for
    * @param _timestamp before which to search for first verified value
    * @return bool true if it is able to retreive a value, the value, and the value's timestamp
    function getDataBefore(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
        returns (bool _ifRetrieve, bytes memory _value, uint256 _timestampRetrieved);

Tellor Playground:

For ease of use, the UsingTellor repo comes with a version of Tellor Playground system for easier integration. This version contains a few helper functions:

    * @dev A mock function to submit a value to be read without miners needed
    * @param _queryId The tellorId to associate the value to
    * @param _value the value for the queryId
    * @param _nonce the current value count for the query id
    * @param _queryData the data used by reporters to fulfill the data query
    function submitValue(bytes32 _queryId, bytes calldata _value, uint256 _nonce, bytes memory _queryData) external;

    * @dev A mock function to create a dispute
    * @param _queryId The tellorId to be disputed
    * @param _timestamp the timestamp of the value to be disputed
    function beginDispute(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) external;

    * @dev Retreive value from oracle based on requestId/timestamp
    * @param _queryId being requested
    * @param _timestamp to retrieve data/value from
    * @return bytes value for requestId/timestamp submitted
    function retrieveData(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) public view returns (bytes memory);

    * @dev Counts the number of values that have been submitted for the request
    * @param _queryId the requestId to look up
    * @return uint256 count of the number of values received for the requestId
    function getNewValueCountbyQueryId(bytes32 _queryId) public view returns(uint256);

    * @dev Gets the timestamp for the value based on their index
    * @param _queryId is the requestId to look up
    * @param _index is the value index to look up
    * @return uint256 timestamp
    function getTimestampbyRequestIDandIndex(uint256 _queryId, uint256 index) public view returns(uint256);

     * @dev Adds a tip to a given query ID.
     * @param _queryId is the queryId to look up
     * @param _amount is the amount of tips
     * @param _queryData is the extra bytes data needed to fulfill the request
    function tipQuery(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _amount, bytes memory _queryData) external;

Rinkeby: 0x20374E579832859f180536A69093A126Db1c8aE9

Kovan: 0x20374E579832859f180536A69093A126Db1c8aE9

Ropsten: 0x20374E579832859f180536A69093A126Db1c8aE9

Goerli: 0x20374E579832859f180536A69093A126Db1c8aE9

BSC Testnet: 0xbc2f9E092ac5CED686440E5062D11D6543202B24

Polygon Mumbai Testnet: 0xbc2f9E092ac5CED686440E5062D11D6543202B24

Arbitrum Testnet: 0xbc2f9E092ac5CED686440E5062D11D6543202B24

5. To run tests:

npm hardhat test

6. Deployment:

Just run hardhat run with desired Network

npx hardhat run --network <your-network> scripts/deploy.js

Useful Links

Miner Documentation

General Tellor Developer's Documentation

Metamask - www.metamask.io
Hardhat - https://hardhat.org/
Waffle - https://getwaffle.io/



How to Contribute

Join our Discord or Telegram:

Check out our issues log here on Github or contribute to our future plans to build a better miner and more examples of data secured by Tellor.


This repository is maintained by the Tellor team - www.tellor.io


Tellor Inc. 2021