
.NET Core assemblies are not showing any info from the XML comments

gordon-matt opened this issue · 2 comments

.NET Core assemblies are not showing any info from the XML comments

OK, after debugging a bit I can see what's happening, but not sure yet why or how to fix:

Let's take 1 example from my XML file:

<member name="M:Extenso.ObjectExtensions.Base64Serialize``1(``0)">

For some reason, your code decided to look for this instead:

<member name="M:Extenso.ObjectExtensions.Base64Serialize(``0)">

So obviously that doesn't match and the XML comments for that method are not loaded. The method that builds that string to search for is in Convert.cs in the following method:

private static StringBuilder ToXmlDocCommentMember<TMember>(TMember member, ParameterInfo[] memberParameters,
	out int namePosition)
	where TMember : MemberInfo

So I can see why it's not finding the XML comments (can't match the name), but I am not sure how to fix this. Hopefully someone can help...

Eureka! I have found a fork of the Jolt.NET library here on GitHub and you can see there is a fix for this issue here: https://github.com/red-gate/JoltNet-core/blob/master/Jolt/Convert.cs#L364. It's probably a good idea to integrate the latest code to fix this issue and possible others.