
Sandbox mode?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The Android XDK has the following parameter:

    // Optional for sandboxed development environment, set boolean value to enable.
    paymentDetails.put(MOLPayActivity.mp_sandbox_mode, true);

How do we set this parameter in the Seamless Integration SDK?

Hi Tjwoon,

For sandbox seamless integration, please change URL from www.onlinepayment.com.my to sandbox.molpay.com

Ok, thanks 😀

Sorry, wait. I don't see option to change the URL in the documentation. There is only Return URL.

Hi Tjwoon,

Please check latest seamless update version here: https://github.com/MOLPay/Seamless_Integration/wiki/Latest-MOLPay-Seamless-Integration-(non-PCI)

There are some remarks, demo download and demo URL for sandbox account.

Thank you.

Hi @apis17 . Thank you! Tested and working.