Did a fun case study on Bazaar dataset.
Bazaar Ignition / Graduate Launchpad program announced a case study on their retail dataset. This is analysis of that dataset. The most crucial reason as to why Bazaar is facing losses on return products which are marked under customer unstaisfied / No Reason category is that in Pakistan the SME use a lending money / loan money system in which you get the product and pay for it at a later date (during this time the buyer is usually able to sell the product it received and then pay the product cost to seller/vendor) because Bazaar works on pay now / COD service the seller / vendor don't have the money received from buyer and as a result they are unable to purchase it from Bazaar even though they ordered it and so they return it. Bazaar can work with buy pay later format to address these returns and make profit in (n+1) cycle in fiscal year.