
cmake example project. transitive deps, find_package() support.

MIT LicenseMIT

Progressive sequence of cmake examples.

Examples here are c++ focused. I've tested on linux and osx.

Reflects strong preference for control + flexibility; assumes reader wants to build/support an ecosystem of related artifacts that build in a similar way

Intending to navigate various stumbling blocks I encountered over a couple of years of trying things; and to provide an opinionated (though possibly flawed) version of best practice


  1. lsp integration. tested with emacs
  2. executables, shared libraries, interdependencies
  3. header-only libraries
  4. monorepo build limitations of monorepo build
  5. separable build (+ find_package() support) limitations of separable build
  6. github actions
  7. versioning, explicit codebase dependencies, build isolation
  8. pybind11 + python issues binary API dependence


  1. ex1: c++ executable X1 (hello) ex1b: c++ standard + compile-time flags ex1c: multiple build configurations
  2. ex2: add LSP integration
  3. ex3: c++ executable X1 + cmake-aware library dep O1 (boost::program_options), using cmake find_package()
  4. ex4: c++ executable X1 + non-cmake library dep O2 (zlib)
  5. ex5: refactor: move compression wrapper to 2nd translation unit
  6. ex6: add install target
  7. ex7: c++ executable X1 + example c++ library A1 (compression) with A1 -> O2, monorepo-style
  8. ex8: refactor: move X1 to own subdir
  9. ex9: add c++ executable X2 (myzip) also using A1
  10. ex10: add c++ unit test + header-only library dep O3 (catch2)
  11. ex11: add bash unit test (for myzip)
  12. ex12: refactor: use inflate/deflate (streaming) api for non-native solution
  13. ex13: example c++ header-only library A2 (zstream) with A2 -> A1 -> O2, monorepo-style
  14. ex14: github CI example
  15. ex15: add unit test code coverage (using gcov and lcov)
  16. ex16: add performance benchmarks (as provided by catch2)
  • ex17: add pybind11 library (pyzstream)

  • ex18: provide cmake find_package() support with installs of our example codebase

  • ex19: add sphinx doc

  • c++ executable X + library A, A -> O, separable-style provide find_package() support - can build using X-subdir's cmake if A built+installed

  • project-specific macros - simplify

  • project-specific macros - support (monorepo, separable) builds from same tree

  • monorepo-style: artifacts using dependencies supplied from same repo and build tree


Each example gets its own dedicated git branch

To get started, clone this repo:

$ git clone git@github.com:Rconybea/cmake-examples.git

Example 1

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex1
// hello.cpp

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    cout << "Hello, world!\n" << endl;

note: here 3.25 is the version of cmake I happen to be working with

# CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
project(ex1 VERSION 1.0)

set(SELF_EXE hello)
set(SELF_SRCS hello.cpp)

add_executable(${SELF_EXE} ${SELF_SRCS})

To build + run:

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex1
$ mkdir build
$ cmake -B build       # ..configure
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build  # ..compile
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable hello
[100%] Built target hello
$ ./build/hello        # ..run
Hello, world!


Example 1b: persistent compiler flags

We want to be able set per-build-directory compiler flags, and have them persist so we don't have to rehearse them every time we invoke cmake. We can do this using cmake cache variables:

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex1b

In top-level CMakeLists.txt:

    set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 23 CACHE STRING "c++ standard level [11|14|17|20|23]")
message("-- CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD: c++ standard level is [${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}]")


    set(PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS "-Werror -Wall -Wextra" CACHE STRING "project c++ compiler flags")
message("-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS: project c++ flags are [${PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS}]")

For example, to prepare a c++11 build in build11/ with compiler's default compiler warnings:

-- CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD: c++ standard level is [11]
-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS: project c++ flags are []
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done

Now if we rerun cmake on build11/ the cached settings are remembered:

$ cmake -B build11
-- CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD: c++ standard level is [11]
-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS: project c++ flags are []
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build11

Example 1c: multiple build configurations (debug, release etc)

We want to support compiler flags for various build configurations: debug, release, sanitize, coverage etc.

For compiler flags, cmake provides automatic variables CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_<CONFIG> (e.g. with <CONFIG> set to debug with cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug).

However, these come with built-in non-empty default values. for example with gcc build the default value of CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE is -O3 -DNDEBUG.

This creates a conflict with the following set of objectives:

  1. want curated build-type-specific project-level defaults for different builds
  2. want to be able to override these defaults from the command line

The problem with a built-in non-empty default, is that when writing cmake code we don't know: was observed value provided by cmake, or from command line?

We'll work around this problem by using variable names not known to cmake.

The -fno-strict-aliasing default falls on the "strict aliasing rules combined with c++ templates create too many footguns to tolerate" side of the strict-aliasing versus no-strict-aliasing debate.

A good discussion of strict aliasing rules here: https://gist.github.com/shafik/848ae25ee209f698763cffee272a58f8

and an older C-only discussion here: https://cellperformance.beyond3d.com/articles/2006/06/understanding-strict-aliasing.html

# CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
project(cmake-examples VERSION 1.0)

    set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 23 CACHE STRING "c++ standard level [11|14|17|20|23]")
message("-- CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD: c++ standard level is [${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}]")


    set(PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS -Werror -Wall -Wextra -fno-strict-aliasing CACHE STRING "project c++ compiler flags")
message("-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS: project c++ flags are [${PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS}]")

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug

# clear out hardwired default.
# we want override project-level defaults, so need to prevent interference from hardwired defaults
# (the problem with non-empty hardwired defaults is that we can't tell if they've been set on the
# command line)

# CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG is built-in to cmake and has non-empty default.
#  -> we cannot tell whether it was set on the command line
#  -> use PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG instead
# built-in default value is -g; can hardwire different project policy here
        CACHE STRING "debug c++ compiler flags")
message("-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG: debug c++ flags are [${PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG}]")


# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release

# clear out hardwired default.
# we want override project-level defaults, so need to prevent interference from hardwired defaults
# (the problem with non-empty hardwired defaults is that we can't tell if they've been set on the
# command line)

# CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_Release is built-in to cmake
#  -> automatically added to all c++ compilation targets
#     when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
# built-in default value is -O3 -DNDEBUG;  can hardwire different project policy here
        CACHE STRING "release c++ compiler flags")
message("-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE: release c++ flags are [${PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}]")


# ----------------------------------------------------------------

set(SELF_EXE hello)
set(SELF_SRCS hello.cpp)

add_executable(${SELF_EXE} ${SELF_SRCS})

The fancy generator expressions like add_compile_options("$<$<CONFIG:DEBUG>:${PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG}>") only take effect with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug.

For example:

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex1c
$ cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=20 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug -B build_debug
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin//gcc - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD: c++ standard level is [20]
-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS: project c++ flags are [-Werror;-Wall;-Wextra;-fno-strict-aliasing]
-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG: debug c++ flags are [-Werror;-Wall;-Wextra;-fno-strict-aliasing;-ggdb]
-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE: release c++ flags are [-Werror;-Wall;-Wextra;-fno-strict-aliasing;-march=native;-O3;-DNDEBUG]
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug
$ cmake --build build_debug --verbose
cmake -S/home/roland/proj/cmake-examples -B/home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
cmake -E cmake_progress_start /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug/CMakeFiles /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug//CMakeFiles/progress.marks
make  -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug'
make  -f CMakeFiles/hello.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/hello.dir/depend
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug'
cd /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug && cmake -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug/CMakeFiles/hello.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug'
make  -f CMakeFiles/hello.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/hello.dir/build
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug'
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
g++   -Werror -Wall -Wextra -fno-strict-aliasing -ggdb -std=gnu++20 -MD -MT CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o -MF CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o.d -o CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o -c /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/hello.cpp
[100%] Linking CXX executable hello
cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/hello.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
g++ CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o -o hello
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug'
[100%] Built target hello
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug'
cmake -E cmake_progress_start /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_debug/CMakeFiles 0

Example 2

LSP (language server process) integration allows compiler-driven editor interaction -- syntax highlighting, code navigation etc. For this to work the external LSP process needs to know exactly how we invoke the compiler.

  1. By convention, LSP will read a file compile_commands.json in the project's root (source) directory.
  2. cmake can generate compile_commands.json during the configure step; this will appear in the root of the build directory.
  3. since LSP typically uses clangd, we need also to tell it exactly where our preferred compiler's system headers reside; clangd won't always reliably locate these for itself.
  4. expect user to performan last step: symlink from source directory to build this makes sense since if multiple build directories with different compiler switches, only one-at-a-time can be adopted for LSP
# CMakeLists.txt

set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON CACHE INTERNAL "generate build/compiled_commands.json")  # 2.


invoke build:

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex2
$ mkdir -p build
$ ln -s build/compile_commands.json
$ cmake -B build
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable hello
[100%] Built target hello
$ ./build/hello
Hello, world!


compile_commands.json will look something like:

# build/compile_commands.json
  "directory": "/home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build",
  "command": "/usr/bin/g++  -isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/12.2.0/include -isystem /usr/include -isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-6nu/12.2.0/include-fixed -o CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o -c /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/hello.cpp",
  "file": "/home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/hello.cpp"

Example 3

Use an external software package that provides cmake support. For this example, we'll use boost::program_options.

We add two lines to CMakeLists.txt:

  1. find_package(boost_program_options ...)
  2. target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC Boost::program_options)
# CMakeLists.xt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
project(ex1 VERSION 1.0)


set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON CACHE INTERNAL "generate build/compile_commands.json")


find_package(boost_program_options CONFIG REQUIRED)                                            # new

set(SELF_EXE hello)
set(SELF_SRCS hello.cpp)

add_executable(${SELF_EXE} ${SELF_SRCS})
target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC Boost::program_options)                               # new


  1. cmake find_package() searches directories in:
    • environment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
    • cmake variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.
  2. find_package(boost_program_options ...) searches for a directory that contains boost_program_options-config.cmake or boost_program_optionsConfig.cmake.
  3. typical linux distribution will collect cmake find_package() support dirs under path like /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake
  4. the CONFIG argument to find_package() mandates that find_package() insist on a suitable package-specific .cmake support file, instead of falling back to Find<packagename>.cmake modules under CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. Disclaimer in find_package() docs: "Being externally provided, Find Moduules tend to be heuristic in nature and are susceptible to becoming out-of-date"
  5. should use target_link_libraries() even if target library is header-only. cmake knows if header-only and takes responsibility for constructing suitable link line
  6. need to read package docs or boost_program_options-config.cmake to find spelling for Boost::program_options

Add some program_options-using code to hello.cpp

// hello.cpp

#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <iostream>

namespace po = boost::program_options;
using namespace std;

main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    po::options_description po_descr{"Options"};
         "this help")
         "say hello to this subject");

    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, po_descr), vm);

    if (vm.count("help")) {
        cerr << po_descr << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "Hello, " << vm["subject"].as<string>() << "!\n" << endl;

invoke build:

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex3
$ mkdir -p build
$ ln -s build/compile_commands.json
$ cmake -B build
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable hello
[100%] Built target hello

exercise executable

$ ./build/hello --help
  -h [ --help ]                 this help
  -s [ --subject ] arg (=world) say hello to this subject

$ ./build/hello --subject=Kermit
Hello, Kermit!

Example 4

Use an external software package that does not provide direct cmake support, but does support pkg-config. For this example, we'll use zlib.

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex4

We add to CMakeLists.txt:

  1. find_package(PkgConfig) to invoke cmake pkg-config support.
  2. pkg_check_modules(zlib REQUIRED zlib) to search for a zlib.pc configuration file associated with zlib. On success establishes cmake variables zlib_CFLAGS_OTHER, zlib_INCLUDE_DIRS, zlib_LIBRARIES.
  3. target_include_directories(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${zlib_INCLUDE_DIRS}) to tell compiler where to find zlib include files.
  4. target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${zlib_LIBRARIES}) to tell compiler how to link zlib
# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
project(ex1 VERSION 1.0)


set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON CACHE INTERNAL "generate build/compile_commands.json")


find_package(boost_program_options CONFIG REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(zlib REQUIRED zlib)

set(SELF_EXE hello)
set(SELF_SRCS hello.cpp)

add_executable(${SELF_EXE} ${SELF_SRCS})
target_compile_options(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${zlib_CFLAGS_OTHER})
target_include_directories(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${zlib_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC Boost::program_options)
target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${zlib_LIBRARIES})

Add some zlib-using code to hello.cpp

// hello.cpp

#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <zlib.h>
#include <iostream>

namespace po = boost::program_options;
using namespace std;

main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    po::options_description po_descr{"Options"};
         "this help")
         "say hello to this subject")
         "compress hello output using zlib")

    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, po_descr), vm);

    if (vm.count("help")) {
        cerr << po_descr << endl;
    } else {
        stringstream ss;
        ss << "Hello, " << vm["subject"].as<string>() << "!\n" << endl;

        if (vm.count("compress")) {
            /* compress output */

            string s = ss.str();
            std::vector<uint8_t> og_data_v(s.begin(), s.end());

            /* required input space for zlib is (1.01 * input size) + 12;
             * add +1 byte to avoid thinking about rounding
            uint64_t z_data_z = (1.01 * og_data_v.size()) + 12 + 1;
            uint8_t * z_data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(::malloc(z_data_z));
            int32_t zresult = ::compress(z_data,

            switch (zresult) {
            case Z_OK:
            case Z_MEM_ERROR:
                throw std::runtime_error("zlib.compress: out of memory");
            case Z_BUF_ERROR:
                throw std::runtime_error("zlib.compress: output buffer too small");

            cout << "original   size:" << og_data_v.size() << endl;
            cout << "compressed size:" << z_data_z << endl;
            cout << "compressed data:";
            for (uint64_t i = 0; i < z_data_z; ++i) {
                uint8_t zi = z_data[i];
                uint8_t hi = (zi >> 4);          // hi 4 bits of zi
                uint8_t lo = (zi & 0x0f);        // lo 4 bits of zi

                char hi_ch = (hi < 10) ? '0' + hi : 'a' + hi - 10;
                char lo_ch = (lo < 10) ? '0' + lo : 'a' + lo - 10;

                cout << ' ' << hi_ch << lo_ch;   // print as hex
            cout << endl;
        } else {
            cout << ss.str();

invoke build:

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex4
$ mkdir -p build
$ ln -s build/compile_commands.json
$ cmake -B build
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build

use executable (compression working as well as can be expected on such short input)

$ ./build/hello --compress --hex --subject "all the lonely people"
original   size:31
compressed size:39
compressed data: 78 9c f3 48 cd c9 c9 d7 51 48 cc c9 51 28 c9 48 55 c8 c9 cf 4b cd a9 54 28 48 cd 2f c8 49 55 e4 e2 02 00 ad 97 0a 68

Example 5

This example is a preparatory refactoring step: we refactor our inline compression code to a separate translation unit; and while we're at it, implement the reverse (inflation) operation.

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex5

Add to CMakeLists.txt:

  1. new translation unit compression.cpp: set(SELF_SRCS hello.cpp compression.cpp)
# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
project(ex1 VERSION 1.0)


set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON CACHE INTERNAL "generate build/compile_commands.json")


find_package(boost_program_options CONFIG REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(zlib REQUIRED zlib)

set(SELF_EXE hello)
set(SELF_SRCS hello.cpp compression.cpp)

add_executable(${SELF_EXE} ${SELF_SRCS})
target_compile_options(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${zlib_CFLAGS_OTHER})
target_include_directories(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${zlib_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC Boost::program_options)
target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${zlib_LIBRARIES})

New translation unit + header

// compression.hpp

#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>

/* thanks to Bobobobo's blog for zlib introduction
 *   [[https://bobobobo.wordpress.comp/2008/02/23/how-to-use-zlib]]
 * also
 *   [[https://zlib.net/zlib_how.html]]
struct compression {
    /* compress contents of og_data_v[],  return compressed data */
    static std::vector<std::uint8_t> deflate(std::vector<std::uint8_t> const & og_data_v);
    /* uncompress contents of z_data_v[],  return uncompressed data.
     * caller expected to remember original uncompressed size + supply in og_data_z,
     * (or supply a sufficiently-large value)
    static std::vector<std::uint8_t> inflate(std::vector<std::uint8_t> const & z_data_v,
                                             std::uint64_t og_data_z);
// compression.cpp

#include "compression.hpp"
#include <zlib.h>
#include <stdexcept>

using namespace std;

compression::deflate(std::vector<uint8_t> const & og_data_v)
    /* required input space for zlib is (1.01 * input size) + 12;
     * add +1 byte to avoid thinking about rounding
    uint64_t z_data_z = (1.01 * og_data_v.size()) + 12 + 1;

    vector<uint8_t> z_data_v(z_data_z);

    int32_t zresult = ::compress(z_data_v.data(),

    switch (zresult) {
    case Z_OK:
    case Z_MEM_ERROR:
        throw std::runtime_error("compression::deflate: out of memory");
    case Z_BUF_ERROR:
        throw std::runtime_error("compression::deflate: output buffer too small");

    return z_data_v;

compression::inflate(vector<uint8_t> const & z_data_v,
                     uint64_t og_data_z)
    vector<uint8_t> og_data_v(og_data_z);

    int32_t zresult = ::uncompress(og_data_v.data(),

    switch (zresult) {
    case Z_OK:
    case Z_MEM_ERROR:
        throw std::runtime_error("compression::inflate: out of memory");
    case Z_BUF_ERROR:
        throw std::runtime_error("compression::inflate: output buffer too small");


    return og_data_v;
} /*inflate*/

To invoke build:

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex5
$ mkdir -p build
$ ln -s build/compile_commands.json
$ cmake -B build
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build
[ 33%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[ 66%] Linking CXX executable hello
[100%] Built target hello

exercise executable

$ ./build/hello --compress --hex --subject "all the lonely people"
original   size:31
compressed size:39
compressed data: 78 9c f3 48 cd c9 c9 d7 51 48 cc c9 51 28 c9 48 55 c8 c9 cf 4b cd a9 54 28 48 cd 2f c8 49 55 e4 e2 02 00 ad 97 0a 68

Example 6

Add an install target. This is a bit of a placeholder, we'll need to expand on this later.

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex6

Add to CMakeLists.txt:


My understanding is that the BUNDLE line does something useful on MacOS, and is otherwise harmless.

Full CMakeLists.txt is now:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
project(ex1 VERSION 1.0)


set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON CACHE INTERNAL "generate build/compile_commands.json")


find_package(boost_program_options CONFIG REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(zlib REQUIRED zlib)

set(SELF_EXE hello)
set(SELF_SRCS hello.cpp compression.cpp)

add_executable(${SELF_EXE} ${SELF_SRCS})
target_compile_options(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${zlib_CFLAGS_OTHER})
target_include_directories(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${zlib_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC Boost::program_options)
target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${zlib_LIBRARIES})

To install to ~/scratch:

$ PREFIX=$HOME/scratch
$ mkdir -p $PREFIX
$ cd cmake-examples
$ mkdir -p build
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build
[ 33%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[ 66%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hello.dir/compression.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable hello
[100%] Built target hello
$ cmake --install build
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/bin/hello
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/bin/hello" to ""
$ tree $PREFIX
`-- bin
    `-- hello

1 directory, 1 file
$ $PREFIX/bin/hello
Hello, world!

Example 7

Refactor to move compression code to a separately-installed library. This allows reusing our compression wrapper from some other executable.

This involves multiple steps:

  1. create a dedicated subdirectory compression/ to hold wrapper code, i.e. compression.cpp and compression.hpp (this isn't essential, but good practice to allow for project growth)
  2. tell cmake to build new library libcompression.so; instructions go in compression/CMakeLists.txt
  3. connect compression/ subdirectory to the top-level CMakeLists.txt and simplify.
$ git checkout ex7

Library build:

set(SELF_LIB compression)
set(SELF_SRCS compression.cpp)

add_library(${SELF_LIB} SHARED ${SELF_SRCS})
target_include_directories(${SELF_LIB} PUBLIC

target_compile_options(${SELF_LIB} PRIVATE ${zlib_CFLAGS_OTHER})
target_include_directories(${SELF_LIB} PRIVATE ${zlib_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(${SELF_LIB} PRIVATE ${zlib_LIBRARIES})

    DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/compression
    DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/compression)


Top-level build:

# cmake-examples/CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
project(ex1 VERSION 1.0)


set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON CACHE INTERNAL "generate build/compile_commands.json")


        "runpath in installed libraries/executables")

find_package(boost_program_options CONFIG REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(zlib REQUIRED zlib)


set(SELF_EXE hello)
set(SELF_SRCS hello.cpp)

add_executable(${SELF_EXE} ${SELF_SRCS})
target_include_directories(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC compression/include)
target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC compression)
target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC Boost::program_options)



  1. we have a separate install instruction for libcompression.so; need it to install to $PREFIX/lib instead of $PREFIX/bin.

  2. installed executables (i.e. hello) need to be able to use libraries (i.e. libcompression.so) in $PREFIX/lib. This is accomplished by setting CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH in toplevel CMakeLists.txt

  3. compression/CMakeLists.txt isn't self-sufficient; it only works as a satellite of cmake-examples/CMakeLists.txt. For example, it relies on top-level CMakeLists.txt to establish zlib-specific cmake variables.

    We'd expect this to lead to maintenance problems in a project with many dependencies, since we're creating distance between introduction and use of these dependency-specific cmake variables.

  4. If we imagine writing multiple libraries, we're writing a dozen+ lines of boilerplate for each library; we'll want to work to shrink this.

  5. We put compression .hpp header files in their own directory compression/include, separate from .cpp files, because we want to install the headers along with their associated library. We're installing .hpp files to kitchen-sink $PREFIX/include directory; will likely want to send to a library-specific subdirectory instead, to make life easier for downstream projects that want to cherry-pick.

  6. Although the compression library relies on zlib, zlib.h does not appear in compression.hpp; so we mark the compression->zlib dependency PRIVATE for now.

Details: 1. in top-level CMakeLists.txt, we added the line

target_include_directories(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC compression/include)

so that in hello.cpp we can write

#include "compression.hpp"

instead of

#include "compression/include/compression.hpp"

This line in compression/CMakeLists.txt:

target_include_directories(${SELF_LIB} PUBLIC

helps with mapping build-time behavior to install-time behavior. When compiling within build tree, compiler should receive an argument like -Ipath/to/source/compression/include, referring to .hpp files in the source tree. Post-install, software that uses the compression library would instead need to have flag like -I$PREFIX/include/compression. When we extend build to publish cmake support files with installed compression library, that support will have to make this distinction. For now it's a formality.

Build + install:

$ PREFIX=/home/roland/scratch
$ cd cmake-examples
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build
[ 25%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/compression.cpp.o
[ 50%] Linking CXX shared library libcompression.so
[ 50%] Built target compression
[ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable hello
[100%] Built target hello
$ cmake --install build
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/compression
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/compression/compression.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2.3
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/bin/hello
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/bin/hello" to ""
$ tree ~/scratch
|-- bin
|   `-- hello
|-- include
|   `-- compression
|       `-- compression.hpp
`-- lib
    |-- libcompression.so -> libcompression.so.2.3
    |-- libcompression.so.2
    `-- libcompression.so.2.3 -> libcompression.so.2

4 directories, 5 files

Example 8

Refactor to move executable hello to its own subdirectory, so organization is clearer when we have more than one executable.

visit branch:

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git checkout ex8

source tree:

$ tree
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- README.md
|-- app
|   `-- hello
|       |-- CMakeLists.txt
|       `-- hello.cpp
|-- compile_commands.json
`-- compression
    |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- compression.cpp
    `-- include
        `-- compression
            `-- compression.hpp

5 directories, 9 files

Top-level CMakeLists.txt:

# cmake-examples/CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
project(ex8 VERSION 1.0)


set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON CACHE INTERNAL "generate build/compile_commands.json")


        "runpath in installed libraries/executables")

find_package(boost_program_options CONFIG REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(zlib REQUIRED zlib)


Cmake code moved from cmake-examples/CMakeLists.txt to new destination cmake-examples/app/hello/CMakeLists.txt:

# app/hello/CMakeLists.txt
set(SELF_EXE hello)
set(SELF_SRCS hello.cpp)

add_executable(${SELF_EXE} ${SELF_SRCS})
target_include_directories(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/compression/include)
target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC compression)
target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC Boost::program_options)


Build + install:

$ PREFIX=/home/roland/scratch
$ cd cmake-examples
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build
[ 25%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/compression.cpp.o
[ 50%] Linking CXX shared library libcompression.so
[ 50%] Built target compression
[ 75%] Building CXX object app/hello/CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable hello
[100%] Built target hello
$ cmake --install build
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/compression.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2.3
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/bin/hello
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/bin/hello" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
$ tree $PREFIX
|-- bin
|   `-- hello
|-- include
|   `-- compression
|       `-- compression.hpp
`-- lib
    |-- libcompression.so -> libcompression.so.2.3
    |-- libcompression.so.2
    `-- libcompression.so.2.3 -> libcompression.so.2

4 directories, 5 files

Example 9

Add a (extremely naive) second application (myzip) to compress/uncompress files (amongst other problems, won't work on files > 1M). We put up with this to focus on the cmake build

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git checkout ex9

source tree:

|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- README.md
|-- app
|   |-- hello
|   |   |-- CMakeLists.txt
|   |   `-- hello.cpp
|   `-- myzip
|       |-- CMakeLists.txt
|       `-- myzip.cpp
|-- compile_commands.json
`-- compression
    |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- compression.cpp
    `-- include
        `-- compression
            |-- compression.hpp
            `-- tostr.hpp

6 directories, 12 files


  1. in top-level CMakeLists.txt add:

    # cmake-examples/CMakeLists.txt
  2. add satellite .cmake file app/myzip/CMakeLists.txt, similar to app/hello/CMakeLists.txt:

    set(SELF_EXE myzip)
    set(SELF_SRCS myzip.cpp)
    add_executable(${SELF_EXE} ${SELF_SRCS})
    target_include_directories(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/compression/include)
    target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC compression)
    target_link_libraries(${SELF_EXE} PUBLIC Boost::program_options)
    install(TARGETS ${SELF_EXE}
  3. add utility header compression/include/compression/tostr.hpp:

    // tostr.hpp
    #pragma once
    #include <sstream>
    /*   tostr(x1, x2, ...)
     * is shorthand for something like:
     *   {
     *     stringstream s;
     *     s << x1 << x2 << ...;
     *     return s.str();
     *   }
    template<class Stream>
    Stream & tos(Stream & s) { return s; }
    template <class Stream, typename T>
    Stream & tos(Stream & s, T && x) { s << x; return s; }
    template <class Stream, typename T1, typename... Tn>
    Stream & tos(Stream & s, T1 && x, Tn && ...rest) {
        s << x;
        return tos(s, rest...);
    template <typename... Tn>
    std::string tostr(Tn && ...args) {
        std::stringstream ss;
        tos(ss, args...);
        return ss.str();
  4. in compression.hpp and compression.cpp add methods inflate_file() and deflate_file():

    # compression.hpp
    /* compress file with path .in_file,  putting output in .out_file */
    static void inflate_file(std::string const & in_file,
                             std::string const & out_file,
                             bool keep_flag = true,
                             bool verbose_flag = false);
    /* uncompress file with path .in_file,  putting uncompressed output in .out_file */
    static void deflate_file(std::string const & in_file,
                             std::string const & out_file,
                             bool keep_flag = true,
                             bool verbose_flag = false);
    # compression.cpp
    compression::inflate_file(std::string const & in_file,
                              std::string const & out_file,
                              bool keep_flag,
                              bool verbose_flag)
        /* check output doesn't exist already */
        if (ifstream(out_file, ios::binary|ios::in))
            throw std::runtime_error(tostr("output file [", out_file, "] already exists"));
        if (verbose_flag)
            cerr << "compress::inflate_file: will compress [" << in_file << "] -> [" << out_file << "]" << endl;
        /* open target file (start at end) */
        ifstream fs(in_file, ios::binary|ios::ate);
        if (!fs)
            throw std::runtime_error(tostr("unable to open input file [", in_file, "]"));
        auto z = fs.tellg();
        /* read file content into memory */
        if (verbose_flag)
            cerr << "compress::inflate_file: read " << z << " bytes from [" << in_file << "] into memory" << endl;
        vector<uint8_t> fs_data_v(z);
        if (!fs.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fs_data_v[0]), z))
            throw std::runtime_error(tostr("unable to read contents of input file [", in_file, "]"));
        vector<uint8_t> z_data_v = compression::deflate(fs_data_v);
        /* write compresseed output */
        ofstream zfs(out_file, ios::out|ios::binary);
        zfs.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(z_data_v[0])), z_data_v.size());
        if (!zfs.good())
            throw std::runtime_error(tostr("failed to write ", z_data_v.size(), " bytes to [", out_file, "]"));
        /* control here only if successfully wrote uncompressed output */
        if (!keep_flag)
    } /*inflate_file*/
    compression::deflate_file(std::string const & in_file,
                              std::string const & out_file,
                              bool keep_flag,
                              bool verbose_flag)
        /* check output doesn't exist already */
        if (ifstream(out_file, ios::binary|ios::in))
            throw std::runtime_error(tostr("output file [", out_file, "] already exists"));
        if (verbose_flag)
            cerr << "compression::deflate_file will uncompress [" << in_file << "] -> [" << out_file << "]" << endl;
        /* open target file (start at end) */
        ifstream fs(in_file, ios::binary|ios::ate);
        if (!fs)
            throw std::runtime_error("unable to open input file");
        auto z = fs.tellg();
        /* read file contents into memory */
        if (verbose_flag)
            cerr << "compression::deflate_file: read " << z << " bytes from [" << in_file << "] into memory" << endl;
        vector<uint8_t> fs_data_v(z);
        if (!fs.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fs_data_v[0]), z))
            throw std::runtime_error(tostr("unable to read contents of input file [", in_file, "]"));
        /* uncompress */
        vector<uint8_t> og_data_v = compression::inflate(fs_data_v, 999999);
        /* write uncompressed output */
        ofstream ogfs(out_file, ios::out|ios::binary);
        ogfs.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(og_data_v[0])), og_data_v.size());
        if (!ogfs.good())
            throw std::runtime_error(tostr("failed to write ", og_data_v.size(), " bytes to [", out_file, "]"));
        if (!keep_flag)
    } /*deflate_file*/
  5. add app/myzip/myzip.cpp application main

    // myzip.cpp
    #include "compression.hpp"
    #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
    #include <zlib.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    namespace po = boost::program_options;
    using namespace std;
    main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
        po::options_description po_descr{"Options"};
             "this help")
             "keep input files instead of deleting them")
             "enable to report progress messages to stderr")
             "input file(s) to compress/uncompress")
        po::variables_map vm;
        po::positional_options_description po_pos_args;
        po_pos_args.add("input-file", -1);
        po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
        bool keep_flag = vm.count("keep");
        bool verbose_flag = vm.count("verbose");
        try {
            if (vm.count("help")) {
                cerr << po_descr << endl;
            } else {
                vector<string> input_file_l = vm["input-file"].as<vector<string>>();
                for (string const & fname : input_file_l) {
                    if (verbose_flag)
                        cerr << "myzip: consider file [" << fname << "]" << endl;
                    constexpr int32_t sfx_z = 3;
                    if ((fname.size() > sfx_z) && (fname.substr(fname.size() - sfx_z, sfx_z) == ".mz")) {
                        /* uncompress */
                        string fname_mz = fname;
                        string fname = fname_mz.substr(0, fname_mz.size() - sfx_z);
                        compression::deflate_file(fname_mz, fname, keep_flag, verbose_flag);
                    } else {
                        /* compress */
                        string fname_mz = fname + ".mz";
                        compression::inflate_file(fname, fname_mz, keep_flag, verbose_flag);
        } catch(exception & ex) {
            cerr << "error: myzip: " << ex.what() << endl;
            return 1;
        return 0;

Build + install:

$ PREFIX=/home/roland/scratch
$ cd cmake-examples
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build
[ 16%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/compression.cpp.o
[ 33%] Linking CXX shared library libcompression.so
[ 33%] Built target compression
[ 50%] Building CXX object app/hello/CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[ 66%] Linking CXX executable hello
[ 66%] Built target hello
[ 83%] Building CXX object app/myzip/CMakeFiles/myzip.dir/myzip.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable myzip
[100%] Built target myzip
$ cmake --install build
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/tostr.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/compression.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2.3
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/bin/hello
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/bin/hello" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/bin/myzip
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/bin/myzip" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
$ tree ~/scratch
|-- bin
|   |-- hello
|   `-- myzip
|-- include
|   `-- compression
|       |-- compression.hpp
|       `-- tostr.hpp
`-- lib
    |-- libcompression.so -> libcompression.so.2.3
    |-- libcompression.so.2
    `-- libcompression.so.2.3 -> libcompression.so.2

4 directories, 7 files

Example 10

Add a c++ unit test, using the catch2 (header-only) library.

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git checkout ex10

source tree:

|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- README.md
|-- app
|   |-- hello
|   |   |-- CMakeLists.txt
|   |   `-- hello.cpp
|   `-- myzip
|       |-- CMakeLists.txt
|       `-- myzip.cpp
|-- compile_commands.json
`-- compression
    |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- compression.cpp
    |-- include
    |   `-- compression
    |       |-- compression.hpp
    |       `-- tostr.hpp
    `-- utest
        |-- CMakeLists.txt
        |-- compression.test.cpp
        `-- compression_utest_main.cpp

7 directories, 15 files


  1. in top-level CMakeLists.txt: First, add


    to active cmake's ctest feature

    Second, add

    find_package(Catch2 CONFIG REQUIRED)

    to invoke cmake support provided by the catch2 library

    Third, add


    to use new compression/utest/CMakeLists.txt

  2. cmake instructions for new unit test executable compression/utest/utest.compression):

    # compression/utest/CMakeLists.txt
    set(SELF_UTEST utest.compression)
    set(SELF_SRCS compression_utest_main.cpp compression.test.cpp)
    add_executable(${SELF_UTEST} ${SELF_SRCS})
    target_link_libraries(${SELF_UTEST} PUBLIC compression)
    target_link_libraries(${SELF_UTEST} PUBLIC Catch2::Catch2)
        NAME ${SELF_UTEST}

    As far as cmake is concerned, the add_test() call introduces a native c++ unit test executable. Otherwise CMakeLists.txt look like that for a regular non-unit-test executable, except that we omit install instructions since we choose not to install unit tests.

  3. Use catch2-provided main:

    # compression/utest/compression_utest_main.cpp
    #include "catch2/catch.hpp"
  4. Provide unit test implementation:

    // compression/utest/compression.test.cpp
    #include "compression.hpp"
    #include "tostr.hpp"
    #include <catch2/catch.hpp>
    #include <vector>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    namespace {
        struct TestCase {
            explicit TestCase(string const & og_text_arg) : og_text{og_text_arg} {}
            string og_text;
        static vector<TestCase> s_testcase_v = {
            TestCase("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"),
            TestCase("A man, a plan, a canal - Panama!")
    TEST_CASE("compression", "[compression]") {
        for (size_t i_tc = 0, n_tc = s_testcase_v.size(); i_tc < n_tc; ++i_tc) {
            TestCase const & tcase = s_testcase_v[i_tc];
            INFO(tostr("test case [", i_tc, "]: og_text [", tcase.og_text, "]"));
            uint32_t og_data_z = tcase.og_text.size();
            vector<uint8_t> og_data_v(tcase.og_text.data(),
                                      tcase.og_text.data() + og_data_z);
            vector<uint8_t> z_data_v = compression::deflate(og_data_v);
            vector<uint8_t> og_data2_v = compression::inflate(z_data_v, og_data_z);
            /* verify deflate->inflate recovers original text */
            REQUIRE(og_data_v == og_data2_v);


$ PREFIX=/home/roland/scratch
$ cd cmake-examples
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build
[ 11%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/compression.cpp.o
[ 22%] Linking CXX shared library libcompression.so
[ 22%] Built target compression
[ 33%] Building CXX object compression/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.compression.dir/compression_utest_main.cpp.o
[ 44%] Building CXX object compression/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.compression.dir/compression.test.cpp.o
[ 55%] Linking CXX executable utest.compression
[ 55%] Built target utest.compression
[ 66%] Building CXX object app/hello/CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[ 77%] Linking CXX executable hello
[ 77%] Built target hello
[ 88%] Building CXX object app/myzip/CMakeFiles/myzip.dir/myzip.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable myzip
[100%] Built target myzip

Run unit test directly:

$ ./build/compression/utest/utest.compression
All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)

Have ctest run our unit test (along with any other tests attached to cmake via add_test()):

$ (cd build && ctest)
Test project /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
    Start 1: utest.compression
1/1 Test #1: utest.compression ................   Passed    0.00 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1

Total Test time (real) =   0.00 sec

Example 11

Add a bash unit test, to exercise the myzip app.

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git checkout ex11

source tree:

$ tree
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- README.md
|-- app
|   |-- hello
|   |   |-- CMakeLists.txt
|   |   `-- hello.cpp
|   `-- myzip
|       |-- CMakeLists.txt
|       |-- myzip.cpp
|       `-- utest
|           |-- CMakeLists.txt
|           |-- myzip.utest
|           `-- textfile
|-- compile_commands.json
`-- compression
    |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- compression.cpp
    |-- include
    |   `-- compression
    |       |-- compression.hpp
    |       `-- tostr.hpp
    `-- utest
        |-- CMakeLists.txt
        |-- compression.test.cpp
        `-- compression_utest_main.cpp

8 directories, 18 files


  1. in top-level CMakeLists.txt: First, get location of bash executable:


    Second, add new unit test directory:


    Note that myzip/utest/CMakeLists.txt must follow myzip/CMakeLists.txt, because it relies on the myzip target established in the latter file.

  2. add .cmake file for unit test

    # app/myzip/utest/CMakeLists.txt
    set(SELF_UTEST myzip.utest)
        NAME ${SELF_UTEST}
  3. add a test file app/myzip/utest/textfile to compress/uncompress:

    Jabberwocky,  by Lewis Carroll
    'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
  4. add bash script app/myzip/utest/utest.myzip implementing unit test

    file=$(basename ${file_path})
    rm -f ${file}
    rm -f ${file_mz}
    rm -f ${file2}
    rm -f ${file2_mz}
    #echo "myzip=${myzip}"
    #echo "file_path=${file_path}"
    #echo "file=${file}"
    #echo "file_mz=${file_mz}"
    cp ${file_path} ${file}
    # deflate ${file} -> ${file_mz}
    ${myzip} --keep ${file}
    if [[ ! -f ${file_mz} ]]; then
        >&2 echo "expected [${file_mz}] created\n"
        exit 1
    cp ${file_mz} ${file2_mz}
    # inflate ${file2_mz} back to ${file2}
    ${myzip} ${file2_mz}
    if [[ ! -f ${file2} ]]; then
        >&2 echo "expected [${file2}] created\n"
        exit 1
    diff ${file} ${file2}
    if [[ $err -ne 0 ]]; then
        >&2 echo "expected [${file}] and [${file2}] to be identical"
        exit 1
    # control here: unit test successful


$ cd cmake-examples
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build
[ 11%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/compression.cpp.o
[ 22%] Linking CXX shared library libcompression.so
[ 22%] Built target compression
[ 33%] Building CXX object compression/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.compression.dir/compression_utest_main.cpp.o
[ 44%] Building CXX object compression/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.compression.dir/compression.test.cpp.o
[ 55%] Linking CXX executable utest.compression
[ 55%] Built target utest.compression
[ 66%] Building CXX object app/hello/CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[ 77%] Linking CXX executable hello
[ 77%] Built target hello
[ 88%] Building CXX object app/myzip/CMakeFiles/myzip.dir/myzip.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable myzip
[100%] Built target myzip

Run unit tests:

$ (cd build && ctest)
Test project /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
    Start 1: utest.compression
1/2 Test #1: utest.compression ................   Passed    0.00 sec
    Start 2: myzip.utest
2/2 Test #2: myzip.utest ......................   Passed    0.01 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2

Total Test time (real) =   0.01 sec

Can observe temporary files in build/app/myzip/utest:

$ ls -l build/app/myzip/utest
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 2 roland roland 4096 Dec  8 15:57 CMakeFiles
-rw-r--r-- 1 roland roland  806 Dec  8 15:57 CTestTestfile.cmake
-rw-r--r-- 1 roland roland 7322 Dec  8 15:57 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 roland roland 1330 Dec  8 15:57 cmake_install.cmake
-rw-r--r-- 1 roland roland 1064 Dec  8 15:59 textfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 roland roland 1087 Dec  8 15:59 textfile.mz
-rw-r--r-- 1 roland roland 1064 Dec  8 15:59 textfile2

Example 12

Rework to use incremental compression api (inflate/deflate). This example is more "c++" than "cmake"

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git checkout ex12

source tree:

$ tree
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- README.md
|-- app
|   |-- hello
|   |   |-- CMakeLists.txt
|   |   `-- hello.cpp
|   `-- myzip
|       |-- CMakeLists.txt
|       |-- myzip.cpp
|       `-- utest
|           |-- CMakeLists.txt
|           |-- myzip.utest
|           `-- textfile
|-- compile_commands.json -> build/compile_commands.json
`-- compression
    |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- compression.cpp
    |-- deflate_zstream.cpp
    |-- include
    |   `-- compression
    |       |-- base_zstream.hpp
    |       |-- buffer.hpp
    |       |-- buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp
    |       |-- buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp
    |       |-- compression.hpp
    |       |-- deflate_zstream.hpp
    |       |-- inflate_zstream.hpp
    |       |-- span.hpp
    |       `-- tostr.hpp
    |-- inflate_zstream.cpp
    `-- utest
        |-- CMakeLists.txt
        |-- compression.test.cpp
        `-- compression_utest_main.cpp

8 directories, 27 files


  1. template span, to represent a memory range without ownership.
  2. template buffer, to represent a memory range with possible ownership.
  3. base class base_zstream, wrapper for z_stream struct from zlib.h. z_stream supports incremental inflation/deflation (i.e. compress/decompress)
  4. class inflate_zstream, provides inflation using z_stream
  5. class deflate_zstream, provides deflation using z_stream
  6. add new source files to compression/CMakeLists.txt
  7. template buffered_inflate_zstream, attaches input+output buffers to inflate_zstream
  8. template buffered_deflate_zstream, attaches input+output buffers to deflate_zstream
  9. re-implement compression::inflate_file to use buffered_inflate_zstream and bounded memory.
  10. re-implement compression::deflate_file to use buffered_deflate_zstream and bounded memory.


  1. template span:
// compression/span.hpp

#pragma once

#include <cstdint>

/* A span of un-owned memory */
template <typename CharT>
class span {
    using size_type = std::uint64_t;

    span(CharT * lo, CharT * hi) : lo_{lo}, hi_{hi} {}

    /* cast with different element type.  Note this may change .size */
    template <typename OtherT>
    cast() const { return span<OtherT>(reinterpret_cast<OtherT *>(lo_),
                                       reinterpret_cast<OtherT *>(hi_)); }

    span prefix(size_type z) const { return span(lo_, lo_ + z); }

    bool empty() const { return lo_ == hi_; }
    size_type size() const { return hi_ - lo_; }

    CharT * lo() const { return lo_; }
    CharT * hi() const { return hi_; }

    CharT * lo_ = nullptr;
    CharT * hi_ = nullptr;
  1. template buffer:
// buffer.hpp

#pragma once

#include "span.hpp"
#include <utility>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cassert>

 *  .buf
 *    +------------------------------------------+
 *    |  |  ...  |  | X|  ... | X|  |    ...  |  |
 *    +------------------------------------------+
 *     ^             ^            ^               ^
 *     0             .lo          .hi             .buf_z
 * buffer does not support wrapped content
template <typename CharT>
class buffer {
    using span_type = span<CharT>;
    using size_type = std::uint64_t;

    buffer(size_type buf_z)
        : is_owner_{true}, lo_pos_{0}, hi_pos_{0}, buf_{new CharT [buf_z]}, buf_z_{buf_z} {}
    ~buffer() { this->clear(); }

    CharT * buf() const { return buf_; }
    size_type buf_z() const { return buf_z_; }
    size_type lo_pos() const { return lo_pos_; }
    size_type hi_pos() const { return hi_pos_; }

    CharT const & operator[](size_type i) const { return buf_[i]; }

    span_type contents() const { return span_type(buf_ + lo_pos_, buf_ + hi_pos_); }
    span_type avail() const { return span_type(buf_ + hi_pos_, buf_ + buf_z_); }

    bool empty() const { return lo_pos_ == hi_pos_; }

    void produce(span_type const & span) {
        assert(span.lo() == buf_ + hi_pos_);

        hi_pos_ += span.size();

    void consume(span_type const & span) {
        if (span.size()) {
            assert(span.lo() == buf_ + lo_pos_);

            lo_pos_ += span.size();
        } else {
            /* since .consume() that arrives at empty contents also resets .lo_pos .hi_pos,
             * we don't want to blow up when called with an empty span -- argument
             * may represent some pre-reset location in buffer

        if (lo_pos_ == hi_pos_) {
            lo_pos_ = 0;
            hi_pos_ = 0;

    void setbuf(CharT * buf, size_type buf_z) {
        /* properly reset any existing state */

        is_owner_ = false;
        lo_pos_ = 0;
        hi_pos_ = 0;
        buf_ = buf;
        buf_z_ = buf_z;

    void swap (buffer & x) {
        std::swap(is_owner_, x.is_owner_);
        std::swap(buf_, x.buf_);
        std::swap(buf_z_, x.buf_z_);
        std::swap(lo_pos_, x.lo_pos_);
        std::swap(hi_pos_, x.hi_pos_);

    void clear() {
        if (is_owner_)
            delete [] buf_;

        is_owner_ = false;
        buf_ = nullptr;
        buf_z_ = 0;
        lo_pos_ = 0;
        hi_pos_ = 0;

    /* move-assignment */
    buffer & operator= (buffer && x) {
        is_owner_ = x.is_owner_;
        buf_ = x.buf_;
        buf_z_ = x.buf_z_;
        lo_pos_ = x.lo_pos_;
        hi_pos_ = x.hi_pos_;

        x.is_owner_ = false;
        x.lo_pos_ = 0;
        x.hi_pos_ = 0;
        x.buf_ = nullptr;
        x.buf_z_ = 0;

        return *this;

    bool is_owner_ = false;
    CharT * buf_ = nullptr;
    size_type buf_z_ = 0;

    /* buffer locations [.lo_pos .. .hi_pos) are occupied;
     * remainder is available space
    size_type lo_pos_ = 0;
    size_type hi_pos_ = 0;

namespace std {
    template <typename CharT>
    inline void
    swap(buffer<CharT> & lhs, buffer<CharT> & rhs) {
  1. class base_zstream:
// base_zstream.hpp

#pragma once

#include "span.hpp"
#include <zlib.h>
#include <ios>
#include <utility>
#include <cstring>

class base_zstream {
    using span_type = span<std::uint8_t>;

    bool input_empty() const { return (zstream_.avail_in == 0); }
    bool have_input() const { return (zstream_.avail_in > 0); }
    bool output_empty() const { return (zstream_.avail_out == 0); }

    std::uint64_t n_in_total() const { return zstream_.total_in; }
    std::uint64_t n_out_total() const { return zstream_.total_out; }

    /* Require: .input_empty() */
    void provide_input(std::uint8_t * buf, std::streamsize buf_z) {
        if (! this->input_empty())
            throw std::runtime_error("base_zstream::provide_input: prior input work not complete");

        zstream_.next_in = buf;
        zstream_.avail_in = buf_z;

    void provide_input(span_type const & span) {
        this->provide_input(span.lo(), span.size());

    void provide_output(uint8_t * buf, std::streamsize buf_z) {
        zstream_.next_out = buf;
        zstream_.avail_out = buf_z;

    void provide_output(span_type const & span) {
        this->provide_output(span.lo(), span.size());

    void swap(base_zstream & x) {
        std::swap(zstream_, x.zstream_);

    /* move-assignment */
    base_zstream & operator= (base_zstream && x) {
        zstream_ = x.zstream_;

        /* zero rhs to prevent ::inflateEnd() releasing memory in x dtor */
        ::memset(&x.zstream_, 0, sizeof(x.zstream_));

        return *this;

    /* zlib control state.  contains heap-allocated memory */
    z_stream zstream_;
  1. class inflate_zstream
// inflate_zstream.hpp

#pragma once

#include "base_zstream.hpp"
#include "buffer.hpp"
#include <ios>
#include <cstring>

class inflate_zstream : public base_zstream {
    using span_type = span<std::uint8_t>;


    /* decompress some input,  return #of uncompressed bytes obtained */
    std::streamsize inflate_chunk();

    /* .first  = span for compressed bytes consumed
     * .second = span for uncompressed bytes produced
    std::pair<span_type, span_type> inflate_chunk2();

    void swap (inflate_zstream & x) {

    /* move-assignment */
    inflate_zstream & operator= (inflate_zstream && x) {
        return *this;

namespace std {
    inline void
    swap(inflate_zstream & lhs, inflate_zstream & rhs) {
// inflate_zstream.cpp

#include "compression/inflate_zstream.hpp"
#include "compression/tostr.hpp"

using namespace std;

inflate_zstream::inflate_zstream() {
    zstream_.zalloc    = Z_NULL;
    zstream_.zfree     = Z_NULL;
    zstream_.opaque    = Z_NULL;
    zstream_.avail_in  = 0;
    zstream_.next_in   = Z_NULL;
    zstream_.avail_out = 0;
    zstream_.next_out  = Z_NULL;

    int ret = ::inflateInit(&zstream_);

    if (ret != Z_OK)
        throw std::runtime_error("inflate_zstream: failed to initialize .zstream");

inflate_zstream::~inflate_zstream() {

inflate_zstream::inflate_chunk() {
    return this->inflate_chunk2().second.size();

std::pair<span<std::uint8_t>, span<std::uint8_t>>
inflate_zstream::inflate_chunk2() {
    /* Z = compressed data
     * U = uncompressed   data
     *                          (pre) zstream
     *         /--------------    .next_in
     *         |                  .next_out    -----------\
     *         |                                          |
     *         |                                          |
     *         v    (pre)                                 v    (pre)
     *              zstream                                    zstream
     *         <--  .avail_in ----------->                <--  .avail_out ------------------>
     * input:  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ       output:  UUUUUUUUUUUUU......................
     *         ^        ^                                 ^            ^
     *         uc_pre   uc_post                           z_pre        z_post
     *                  <--- (post)  ---->                             <--- (post)   ------->
     *                       zstream                                        zstream
     *                  ^    .avail_in                                 ^    .avail_in
     *                  |                                              |
     *                  |       (post) zstream                         |
     *                  \------   .next_in                             |
     *                            .next_out ---------------------------/
     *         < retval >                                 <  retval    >
     *         < .first >                                 <  .second   >

    uint8_t * z_pre = zstream_.next_in;
    uint8_t * uc_pre = zstream_.next_out;

    int err = ::inflate(&zstream_, Z_NO_FLUSH);

    switch(err) {
    case Z_NEED_DICT:
        err = Z_DATA_ERROR;
        /* fallthru */
    case Z_DATA_ERROR:
    case Z_MEM_ERROR:
        throw std::runtime_error(tostr("inflate_zstream::inflate_chunk: error [", err, "] from zlib inflate"));

    uint8_t * z_post = zstream_.next_in;
    uint8_t * uc_post = zstream_.next_out;

    return pair<span_type, span_type>(span_type(z_pre, z_post),
                                      span_type(uc_pre, uc_post));
  1. class deflate_zstream
// deflate_zstream.hpp

#pragma once

#include "base_zstream.hpp"
#include "buffer.hpp"
#include <zlib.h>
#include <ios>
#include <cstring>

class deflate_zstream : public base_zstream {
    using span_type = span<std::uint8_t>;


    /* compress some output,  return #of compressed bytes obtained
     * final_flag.  must set to true end of uncompressed input reached,
     *              so that .zstream knows to flush compressed state
    std::streamsize deflate_chunk(bool final_flag);

    /* .first = span for uncompressed bytes consumed
     * .second = span for compressed bytes produced
    std::pair<span_type, span_type> deflate_chunk2(bool final_flag);

    void swap(deflate_zstream & x) {

    /* move-assignment */
    deflate_zstream & operator= (deflate_zstream && x) {
        return *this;

namespace std {
    inline void
    swap(deflate_zstream & lhs, deflate_zstream & rhs) {
// deflate_zstream.cpp

#include "compression/deflate_zstream.hpp"

using namespace std;

    zstream_.zalloc    = Z_NULL;
    zstream_.zfree     = Z_NULL;
    zstream_.opaque    = Z_NULL;
    zstream_.avail_in  = 0;
    zstream_.next_in   = Z_NULL;
    zstream_.avail_out = 0;
    zstream_.next_out  = Z_NULL;

    int ret = ::deflateInit(&zstream_, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);

    if (ret != Z_OK)
        throw runtime_error("deflate_zstream: failed to initialize .zstream");

deflate_zstream::~deflate_zstream() {

deflate_zstream::deflate_chunk(bool final_flag) {
    return this->deflate_chunk2(final_flag).second.size();
} /*deflate_chunk*/

pair<span<uint8_t>, span<uint8_t>>
deflate_zstream::deflate_chunk2(bool final_flag) {
    /* U = uncompressed data
     * Z = compressed   data
     *                          (pre) zstream
     *         /--------------    .next_in
     *         |                  .next_out    -----------\
     *         |                                          |
     *         |                                          |
     *         v    (pre)                                 v    (pre)
     *              zstream                                    zstream
     *         <--  .avail_in ----------->                <--  .avail_out ------------------>
     * input:  UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU       output:  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ......................
     *         ^        ^                                 ^            ^
     *         uc_pre   uc_post                           z_pre        z_post
     *                  <--- (post)  ---->                             <--- (post)   ------->
     *                       zstream                                        zstream
     *                  ^    .avail_in                                 ^    .avail_in
     *                  |                                              |
     *                  |       (post) zstream                         |
     *                  \------   .next_in                             |
     *                            .next_out ---------------------------/
     *         < retval >                                 <  retval    >
     *         < .first >                                 <  .second   >

    uint8_t * uc_pre = zstream_.next_in;
    uint8_t * z_pre = zstream_.next_out;

    int err = ::deflate(&zstream_,
                        (final_flag ? Z_FINISH : 0) /*flush*/);

    if (err == Z_STREAM_ERROR)
        throw runtime_error("deflate_zstream::sync: impossible zlib deflate returned Z_STREAM_ERROR");

    uint8_t * uc_post = zstream_.next_in;
    uint8_t * z_post = zstream_.next_out;

    return pair<span_type, span_type>(span_type(uc_pre, uc_post),
                                      span_type(z_pre, z_post));
  1. in compression/CMakeLists.txt:
set(SELF_SRCS compression.cpp inflate_zstream.cpp deflate_zstream.cpp buffered_inflate_zstream.cpp buffered_deflate_zstream.cpp)
  1. class buffered_inflate_zstream:


// buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp

#include "inflate_zstream.hpp"

/* Example
 *   ifstream zfs("path/to/compressedfile.z", ios::binary);
 *   buffered_inflate_zstream<char> zs;
 *   ofstream ucfs("path/to/uncompressedfile");
 *   while (!zfs.eof()) {
 *       span<char> z_span = zs.z_avail();
 *       if (!zfs.read(z_span.lo(), z_span.size())) {
 *            error...
 *       }
 *       zs.z_produce(z_span.prefix(zfs.gcount()));
 *       zs.inflate_chunk();
 *       span<char> uc_span = zs.uc_contents();
 *       ucfs.write(uc_span.lo(), uc_span.size());
 *       zs.uc_consume(uc_span);
 *   }
class buffered_inflate_zstream {
    using z_span_type = span<std::uint8_t>;
    using size_type = std::uint64_t;

    buffered_inflate_zstream(size_type buf_z = 64UL * 1024UL)
        : z_in_buf_{buf_z},

    std::uint64_t n_in_total() const { return zs_algo_.n_in_total(); }
    std::uint64_t n_out_total() const { return zs_algo_.n_out_total(); }

    /* space available for more compressed input */
    z_span_type z_avail() const { return z_in_buf_.avail(); }
    /* space available for more uncompressed input (output of this object) */
    z_span_type uc_avail() const { return uc_out_buf_.avail(); }
    /* uncompressed content available */
    z_span_type uc_contents() const { return uc_out_buf_.contents(); }

    /* after populating some prefix of .z_avail(), make existence of that input known
     * so that it can be uncompressed
    void z_produce(z_span_type const & span) {
        if (span.size()) {

            /* note whenever we call .inflate,  we consume from .z_in_buf,
             * so .z_in_buf and .input_zs are kept synchronized

    /* consume some uncompressed input -- allows that buffer space to be reused */
    void uc_consume(z_span_type const & span) {
        if (span.size()) {

        if (uc_out_buf_.empty()) {
            /* can recycle output */

    void uc_consume_all() { this->uc_consume(this->uc_contents()); }

    size_type inflate_chunk();

    void swap (buffered_inflate_zstream & x) {
        std::swap(z_in_buf_, x.z_in_buf_);
        std::swap(zs_algo_, x.zs_algo_);
        std::swap(uc_out_buf_, x.uc_out_buf_);

    buffered_inflate_zstream & operator= (buffered_inflate_zstream && x) {
        z_in_buf_ = std::move(x.z_in_buf_);
        zs_algo_ = std::move(x.zs_algo_);
        uc_out_buf_ = std::move(x.uc_out_buf_);

        return *this;

    /* compressed input */
    buffer<std::uint8_t> z_in_buf_;

    /* inflation-state (holds zlib z_stream) */
    inflate_zstream zs_algo_;

    /* uncompressed input */
    buffer<std::uint8_t> uc_out_buf_;

namespace std {
    inline void
    swap(buffered_inflate_zstream & lhs,
         buffered_inflate_zstream & rhs)


// buffered_inflate_zstream.cpp

#include "compression/buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp"

using namespace std;

buffered_inflate_zstream::inflate_chunk() -> size_type
    if (zs_algo_.have_input()) {
        std::pair<z_span_type, z_span_type> x = zs_algo_.inflate_chunk2();


        return x.second.size();
    } else {
        return 0;
  1. class buffered_deflate_zstream:


// buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp

#include "deflate_zstream.hpp"

/* accept input (of type CharT) and compress (aka deflatee).
 * provides buffer for both uncompressed input and compressed output
 * Example
 *   ifstream ucfs("path/to/uncompressedfile");
 *   buffered_deflate_zstream<char> zs;
 *   ofstream zfs("path/to/compressedfile.z", ios::binary);
 *   if (!ucfs)
 *       error...
 *   if (!zfs)
 *       error...
 *   for (bool progress = true, final_flag = false; progress;) {
 *       streamsize nread = 0;
 *       if (ucfs.eof()) {
 *           final = true;
 *       } else {
 *           span<char> uc_span = zs.uc_avail();
 *           ucfs.read(uc_span.lo(), uc_span.size());
 *           nread = ucfs.gcount();
 *           zs.uc_produce(uc_span.prefix(nread));
 *       }
 *       zs.deflate_chunk(final);
 *       span<uint8_t> z_span = zs.z_contents();
 *       zfs.write(z_span.lo(), z_span.size());
 *       zs.z_consume(z_span);
 *       progress = (nread > 0) || (z_span.size() > 0);
 *   }
class buffered_deflate_zstream {
    using z_span_type = span<std::uint8_t>;
    using size_type = std::uint64_t;

    buffered_deflate_zstream(size_type buf_z = 64 * 1024)
        : uc_in_buf_{buf_z},

    size_type n_in_total() const { return zs_algo_.n_in_total(); }
    size_type n_out_total() const { return zs_algo_.n_out_total(); }

    /* space available for more uncompressed output (input of this object) */
    z_span_type uc_avail() const { return uc_in_buf_.avail(); }
    /* spaec available for more compressed output */
    z_span_type z_avail() const { return z_out_buf_.avail(); }
    /* compressed content available */
    z_span_type z_contents() const { return z_out_buf_.contents(); }

    /* after populating some prefix of .uc_avail(),  make existence of that output
     * known to .output_zs so it can be compressed
    void uc_produce(z_span_type const & span) {
        if (span.size()) {

            /* note whenever we call .deflate,  we consume from .uc_output_buf,
             * so .uc_output_buf and .output_zs are kept synchronized

    /* recognize some consumed compressed output -- allows that buffer space to be reused */
    void z_consume(z_span_type const & span) {
        if (span.size()) {

        if (z_out_buf_.empty()) {
            /* can recycle output */

    void z_consume_all() { this->z_consume(this->z_contents()); }

    /* return #of bytes compressed output available */
    size_type deflate_chunk(bool final_flag);

    void swap (buffered_deflate_zstream & x) {
        std::swap(uc_in_buf_, x.uc_in_buf_);
        std::swap(zs_algo_, x.zs_algo_);
        std::swap(z_out_buf_, x.z_out_buf_);

    buffered_deflate_zstream & operator= (buffered_deflate_zstream && x) {
        uc_in_buf_ = std::move(x.uc_in_buf_);
        zs_algo_ = std::move(x.zs_algo_);
        z_out_buf_ = std::move(x.z_out_buf_);

        return *this;

    /* uncompressed output */
    buffer<std::uint8_t> uc_in_buf_;

    /* deflate-state (holds zlib z_stream) */
    deflate_zstream zs_algo_;

    /* compressed output */
    buffer<std::uint8_t> z_out_buf_;
}; /*buffered_deflate_zstream*/

namespace std {
    inline void
    swap(buffered_deflate_zstream & lhs,
         buffered_deflate_zstream & rhs)


// buffered_deflate_zstream.cpp

#include "compression/buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp"

using namespace std;

buffered_deflate_zstream::deflate_chunk(bool final_flag) -> size_type
    if (zs_algo_.have_input() || final_flag) {
        std::pair<z_span_type, z_span_type> x = zs_algo_.deflate_chunk2(final_flag);


        return x.second.size();
    } else {
        return 0;
  1. Reimplement compression::inflate_file
// compression.cpp


compression::inflate_file(std::string const & in_file,
                          std::string const & out_file,
                          bool keep_flag,
                          bool verbose_flag)
    /* check output doesn't exist already */
    if (ifstream(out_file, ios::binary|ios::in))
        throw std::runtime_error(tostr("output file [", out_file, "] already exists"));

    if (verbose_flag)
        cerr << "compression::inflate_file will uncompress [" << in_file << "] -> [" << out_file << "]" << endl;

    /* open target file */
    ifstream fs(in_file, ios::binary);
    if (!fs)
        throw std::runtime_error("unable to open input file");

    buffered_inflate_zstream zstate;

    /* write uncompressed output */
    ofstream ucfs(out_file, ios::out|ios::binary);

    while (!fs.eof()) {
        span<uint8_t> zspan = zstate.z_avail();

        fs.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(zspan.lo()), zspan.size());
        std::streamsize n_read = fs.gcount();

        if (n_read == 0)
            throw std::runtime_error(tostr("inflate_file: unable to read contents of input file [", in_file, "]"));


        /* uncompress some text */

        span<uint8_t> ucspan = zstate.uc_contents();

        ucfs.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(ucspan.lo()), ucspan.size());


    if (!ucfs.good())
        throw std::runtime_error(tostr("inflate_file: failed to write ", zstate.n_out_total(), " bytes to [", out_file, "]"));


    if (!keep_flag)
} /*inflate_file*/
  1. re-implement compression::deflate_file
// compression.cpp


compression::deflate_file(std::string const & in_file,
                          std::string const & out_file,
                          bool keep_flag,
                          bool verbose_flag)
    /* check output doesn't exist already */
    if (ifstream(out_file, ios::binary|ios::in))
        throw std::runtime_error(tostr("output file [", out_file, "] already exists"));

    if (verbose_flag || true)
        cerr << "compress::deflate_file: will compress [" << in_file << "]"
             << " -> [" << out_file << "]" << endl;

    /* open target file -- binary mode since need not be text */
    ifstream fs(in_file, ios::in|ios::binary);
    if (!fs)
        throw std::runtime_error(tostr("unable to open input file [", in_file, "]"));

    buffered_deflate_zstream zstate;

    /* write compressed output */
    ofstream zfs(out_file, ios::out|ios::binary);

    for (bool progress = true, final_flag = false; progress;) {
        streamsize nread = 0;

        if (fs.eof()) {
            final_flag = true;
        } else {
            span<uint8_t> ucspan = zstate.uc_avail();

            fs.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(ucspan.lo()), ucspan.size());
            nread = fs.gcount();


        /* write compressed output */
        span<uint8_t> zspan = zstate.z_contents();

        zfs.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(zspan.lo()), zspan.size());
        if (!zfs.good())
            throw std::runtime_error(tostr("failed to write ", zspan.size(), " bytes"
                                           , " to [", out_file, "]"));


        progress = (nread > 0) || (zspan.size() > 0);


    /* control here only if successfully wrote uncompressed output */
    if (!keep_flag)
} /*deflate_file*/


$ cd cmake-examples
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build
[  7%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/compression.cpp.o
[ 15%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/inflate_zstream.cpp.o
[ 23%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/deflate_zstream.cpp.o
[ 30%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/buffered_inflate_zstream.cpp.o
[ 38%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/buffered_deflate_zstream.cpp.o
[ 46%] Linking CXX shared library libcompression.so
[ 46%] Built target compression
[ 53%] Building CXX object compression/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.compression.dir/compression_utest_main.cpp.o
[ 61%] Building CXX object compression/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.compression.dir/compression.test.cpp.o
[ 69%] Linking CXX executable utest.compression
[ 69%] Built target utest.compression
[ 76%] Building CXX object app/hello/CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable hello
[ 84%] Built target hello
[ 92%] Building CXX object app/myzip/CMakeFiles/myzip.dir/myzip.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable myzip
[100%] Built target myzip

Run unit tests:

$ (cd build && ctest)
Test project /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
    Start 1: utest.compression
1/2 Test #1: utest.compression ................   Passed    0.00 sec
    Start 2: myzip.utest
2/2 Test #2: myzip.utest ......................   Passed    0.01 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2

Total Test time (real) =   0.02 sec


$ cmake --install build
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/tostr.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/compression.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/base_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/inflate_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/buffer.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/deflate_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/span.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2.3
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/bin/hello
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/bin/hello" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/bin/myzip
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/bin/myzip" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
$ tree $PREFIX
├── bin
│   ├── hello
│   └── myzip
├── include
│   └── compression
│       ├── base_zstream.hpp
│       ├── buffer.hpp
│       ├── buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp
│       ├── buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp
│       ├── compression.hpp
│       ├── deflate_zstream.hpp
│       ├── inflate_zstream.hpp
│       ├── span.hpp
│       └── tostr.hpp
└── lib
    ├── libcompression.so -> libcompression.so.2.3
    ├── libcompression.so.2
    └── libcompression.so.2.3 -> libcompression.so.2

4 directories, 14 files

Example 13

Provide inflating/deflating specialization of std::streambuf. This requires generalizing build to handle a mixture of internal-to-repo and external-to-repo library dependencies

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git checkout ex13

source tree:

$ tree
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── README.md
├── app
│   ├── hello
│   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   │   └── hello.cpp
│   └── myzip
│       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│       ├── myzip.cpp
│       └── utest
│           ├── CMakeLists.txt
│           ├── myzip.utest
│           └── textfile
├── compile_commands.json -> build/compile_commands.json
├── compression
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── buffered_deflate_zstream.cpp
│   ├── buffered_inflate_zstream.cpp
│   ├── compression.cpp
│   ├── deflate_zstream.cpp
│   ├── include
│   │   └── compression
│   │       ├── base_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── buffer.hpp
│   │       ├── buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── compression.hpp
│   │       ├── deflate_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── inflate_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── span.hpp
│   │       └── tostr.hpp
│   ├── inflate_zstream.cpp
│   └── utest
│       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│       ├── compression.test.cpp
│       └── compression_utest_main.cpp
└── zstream
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── include
    │   └── zstream
    │       ├── zstream.hpp
    │       └── zstreambuf.hpp
    └── utest
        ├── CMakeLists.txt
        ├── text.cpp
        ├── text.hpp
        ├── zstream.test.cpp
        ├── zstream_utest_main.cpp
        └── zstreambuf.test.cpp

12 directories, 38 files


  1. new header-only library zstream.
  2. new template zstreambuf, implements std::streambuf api along with inflation/deflation.
  3. new template zstream, wraps a zstreambuf to provide typical iostream-style formatted i/o
  4. new unit test zstream/utest
  5. add new build files to top-level CMakeLists.txt


  1. We have a header-only library (zstream) that depends on a regular library (compression); cmake allows this


  1. zstream build
# zstream/CMakeLists.txt

set(SELF_LIB zstream)

add_library(${SELF_LIB} INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(${SELF_LIB} INTERFACE

target_link_libraries(${SELF_LIB} INTERFACE compression)

target_compile_options(${SELF_LIB} INTERFACE ${zlib_CFLAGS_OTHER})
target_include_directories(${SELF_LIB} INTERFACE ${zlib_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(${SELF_LIB} INTERFACE ${zlib_LIBRARIES})


  1. zstreambuf header
// zstreambuf.hpp

#pragma once

#include "compression/buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp"
#include "compression/buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp"
#include "compression/tostr.hpp"
#include "zlib.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

struct hex {
    hex(std::uint8_t x, bool w_char = false) : x_{x}, with_char_{w_char} {}

    std::uint8_t x_;
    bool with_char_;

struct hex_view {
    hex_view(std::uint8_t const * lo, std::uint8_t const * hi, bool as_text) : lo_{lo}, hi_{hi}, as_text_{as_text} {}
    hex_view(char const * lo, char const * hi, bool as_text)
        : lo_{reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t const *>(lo)},
          hi_{reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t const *>(hi)},
          as_text_{as_text} {}

    std::uint8_t const * lo_;
    std::uint8_t const * hi_;
    bool as_text_;

inline std::ostream &
operator<< (std::ostream & os, hex const & ins) {
    std::uint8_t lo = ins.x_ & 0xf;
    std::uint8_t hi = ins.x_ >> 4;

    char lo_ch = (lo < 10) ? '0' + lo : 'a' + lo - 10;
    char hi_ch = (hi < 10) ? '0' + hi : 'a' + hi - 10;

    os << hi_ch << lo_ch;

    if (ins.with_char_) {
        os << "(";
        if (std::isprint(ins.x_))
            os << (char)ins.x_;
            os << "?";
        os << ")";

    return os;

inline std::ostream &
operator<< (std::ostream & os, hex_view const & ins) {
    os << "[";
    std::size_t i = 0;
    for (std::uint8_t const * p = ins.lo_; p < ins.hi_; ++p) {
        if (i > 0)
            os << " ";
        os << hex(*p, ins.as_text_);
    os << "]";
    return os;

/* implementation of streambuf that provides output to, and input from, a compressed stream
template <typename CharT, typename Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
class basic_zstreambuf : public std::basic_streambuf<CharT, Traits> {
    using size_type = std::uint64_t;
    using int_type = typename Traits::int_type;

    basic_zstreambuf(size_type buf_z = 64 * 1024,
                     std::unique_ptr<std::streambuf> native_sbuf = std::unique_ptr<std::streambuf>(),
                     std::ios::openmode mode = std::ios::in)
        in_zs_{aligned_upper_bound(buf_z), alignment()},
        out_zs_{aligned_upper_bound(buf_z), alignment()},
    ~basic_zstreambuf() {

    std::uint64_t n_z_in_total() const { return in_zs_.n_in_total(); }
    /* note: z input side of zstreambuf = output from inflating-zstream */
    std::uint64_t n_uc_in_total() const { return in_zs_.n_out_total(); }

    /* note: uc output side of zstreambuf = input to deflating-zstream */
    std::uint64_t n_uc_out_total() const { return out_zs_.n_in_total(); }
    std::uint64_t n_z_out_total() const { return out_zs_.n_out_total(); }

    std::streambuf * native_sbuf() const { return native_sbuf_.get(); }

    void adopt_native_sbuf(std::unique_ptr<std::streambuf> x) { native_sbuf_ = std::move(x); }

    /* we have a problem writing compressed output:  compression algorithm in general
     * doesn't know how to compress byte n until it has seem byte n+1, .., n+k
    void close() {
        if (!closed_flag_) {
            this->sync_impl(true /*final_flag*/);

            this->closed_flag_ = true;

            /* .native_sbuf may need to flush (e.g. if it's actually a filebuf).
             * The only way to invoke that behavior through the basic_streambuf api
             * is to invoke destructor,  so that's what we do here

    /* move-assignment */
    basic_zstreambuf & operator= (basic_zstreambuf && x) {
        /* assign any base-class state */
        std::basic_streambuf<CharT, Traits>::operator=(x);

        closed_flag_ = x.closed_flag_;
        in_zs_ = std::move(x.in_zs_);
        out_zs_ = std::move(x.out_zs_);

        native_sbuf_ = std::move(x.native_sbuf_);

        return *this;

    void swap(basic_zstreambuf & x) {
        /* swap any base-class state */
        std::basic_streambuf<CharT, Traits>::swap(x);

        std::swap(closed_flag_, x.closed_flag_);

        std::swap(in_zs_, x.in_zs_);
        std::swap(out_zs_, x.out_zs_);

        std::swap(native_sbuf_, x.native_sbuf_);

#  ifndef NDEBUG
    /* control per-instance debug output */
    void set_debug_flag(bool x) { debug_flag_ = x; }
#  endif

    /* estimates #of characters n available for input -- .underflow() will not be called
     * or throw exception until at least n chars are extracted.
     * -1 if .showmanyc() can prove input has reached eof
    //virtual std::streamsize showmanyc() override;

    /* attempt to read n chars from input,  and store in s.
     * (will call .uflow() as needed if less than n chars are immediately available)
    //virtual std::streamsize xs_getn(char_type * s, std::streamsize n) override;

    /* ensure at least one character available in input area.
     * may update .gptr .egptr .eback to define input data location
     * returns next input character (target of get-pointer)
    virtual int_type underflow() override final {
        /* control here: .input buffer (i.e. .in_zs.uc_input_buf) has been entirely consumed */

#      ifndef NDEBUG
        if (debug_flag_)
            std::cerr << "zstreambuf::underflow: enter" << std::endl;
#      endif

        if ((openmode_ & std::ios::in) == 0)
            throw std::runtime_error("basic_zstreambuf::underflow: expected ios::in bit set when reading from streambuf");

        std::streambuf * nsbuf = native_sbuf_.get();

        /* any previous output from .in_zs must have already been consumed (otherwise not in underflow state) */

        while (true) {
            /* zspan: available (unused) buffer space for compressed input */
            auto zspan = in_zs_.z_avail();

            std::streamsize n = 0;

            /* try to fill compressed-input buffer space */
            if (zspan.size()) {
                n = nsbuf->sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char *>(zspan.lo()),

                /* .in_zs needs to know how much we filled */

#              ifndef NDEBUG
                    std::cerr << "zstreambuf::underflow: read " << n << " compressed bytes (allowing space for " << zspan.size() << ")" << std::endl;
#              endif
            } else {
                /* it's possible previous inflate_chunk filled uncompressed output
                 * without consuming any compressed input,  in which case can have z_avail empty

            /* do some decompression work */

            /* loop until uncompressed buffer filled,  or reached end of compressed input
             * note this implies we always have whole-number-of-CharT in .uc_contents
            if (in_zs_.uc_avail().empty() || (n < static_cast<std::streamsize>(zspan.size())))

        /* ucspan: uncompressed output */
        auto ucspan = in_zs_.uc_contents();

        /* streambuf pointers need to know content
         * see comment on loop above -- ucspan always aligned for CharT

        if (ucspan.size())
            return Traits::to_int_type(*ucspan.lo());
            return Traits::eof();

    /* write contents of .output to .native_sbuf.
     * 0 on success, -1 on failure
     * NOTE: After .sync() returns may still have un-synced output in .output_zs;
     *       tradeoff is that if we insist on writing that output,  will change the contents
     *       of comppressed output + degrade compression quality.
    virtual int
    sync() override final {
#      ifndef NDEBUG
        if (debug_flag_)
            std::cerr << "zstreambuf::sync: enter" << std::endl;
#      endif

        return this->sync_impl(false /*!final_flag*/);

    /* attempt to write n bytes starting at s[] to this streambuf.
     * returns the #of bytes actually written
    virtual std::streamsize
    xsputn(CharT const * s, std::streamsize n_arg) override final {
#      ifndef NDEBUG
        if (debug_flag_) {
            std::cerr << "zstreambuf::xsputn: enter" << std::endl;
            std::cerr << hex_view(s, s+n_arg, true) << std::endl;
#      endif

        if (closed_flag_)
            throw std::runtime_error("basic_zstreambuf::xsputn: attempted write to closed stream");

        if ((openmode_ & std::ios::out) == 0)
            throw std::runtime_error("basic_zstreambuf::xsputn: expected ios::out bit set when writing to streambuf");

        std::streamsize n = n_arg;

        std::size_t i_loop = 0;

        while (n > 0) {
            std::streamsize buf_avail = this->epptr() - this->pptr();

            if (buf_avail == 0) {
                /* deflate some more output + free up buffer space */
            } else {
                std::streamsize n_copy = std::min(n, buf_avail);

                ::memcpy(this->pptr(), s, n_copy);

                s += n_copy;
                n -= n_copy;


        return n_arg;

    virtual int_type
    overflow(int_type new_ch) override final {
        if (this->sync() != 0) {
            throw std::runtime_error("basic_zstreambuf::overflow: sync failed to create buffer space");

        if (Traits::eq_int_type(new_ch, Traits::eof()) != true) {
            *(this->pptr()) = Traits::to_char_type(new_ch);

        return new_ch;

    /* write contents of .output to .native_sbuf.
     * 0 on success, -1 on failure.
     * final_flag = true:  compressed stream is irrevocably complete -- no further output may be written
     * final_flag = false: after .sync_impl() returns may still have un-synced output in .output_zs
     * TODO: sync for input (e.g. consider tailing a file)
    sync_impl(bool final_flag) {
#      ifndef NDEBUG
        if (debug_flag_)
        std::cerr << "zstreambuf::sync_impl: enter: :final_flag " << final_flag << std::endl;
#      endif

        if (closed_flag_) {
            /* implies attempt to write more output after call to .close() promised not to */
            return -1;

        if ((openmode_ & std::ios::out) == 0) {
            /* nothing to do if not using stream for output */
            return 0;

        std::streambuf * nsbuf = native_sbuf_.get();

        /* consume all available uncompressed output
         * note: converting from CharT* -> uint8_t* ok here.
         *       we are always starting with a properly-CharT*-aligned value,
         *       and in any case destination pointer used only with deflate(),
         *       which imposes no alignment requirements

        out_zs_.uc_produce(span<std::uint8_t>(reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t *>(this->pbase()),
                                              reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t *>(this->pptr())));

        for (bool progress = true; progress;) {
            auto zspan = out_zs_.z_contents();

            std::streamsize n_written = nsbuf->sputn(reinterpret_cast<char *>(zspan.lo()),

            if (n_written < static_cast<std::streamsize>(zspan.size())) {
                throw std::runtime_error(tostr("zstreambuf::sync_impl: partial write",
                                               " :attempted ", zspan.size(),
                                               " :wrote ", n_written));


            progress = (zspan.size() > 0);

        /* uncompressed output buffer is empty,  since everything was sent to deflate;
         * can recycle it

        std::streamsize buf_avail = this->epptr() - this->pptr();

        if (buf_avail > 0) {
            /* control always here */
            return 0;
        } else {
            /* something crazy - maybe .output.buf_z == 0 ? */
            return -1;

    void setg_span(span<std::uint8_t> const & ucspan) {
        this->setg(reinterpret_cast<CharT *>(ucspan.lo()),
                   reinterpret_cast<CharT *>(ucspan.lo()),
                   reinterpret_cast<CharT *>(ucspan.hi()));

    void setp_span(span<std::uint8_t> const & ucspan) {
        this->setp(reinterpret_cast<CharT *>(ucspan.lo()),
                   reinterpret_cast<CharT *>(ucspan.hi()));

    static constexpr size_type alignment() {
        /* note: we can't support alignof(CharT) > sizeof(CharT),
         *       since we assume CharT's in a stream are packed
        return sizeof(CharT);

    /* returns #of bytes equal to a multiple of {CharT alignment,  sizeof(CharT)},
     * whichever is larger.  Use this to round up buffer sizes
    static size_type aligned_upper_bound(size_type z) {
        constexpr size_type m = alignment();

        size_type extra = z % m;

        if (extra == 0)
            return z;
            return z + (m - extra);

    /* Input:
     *                                       .inflate_chunk();
     *                   .sgetn()            .uc_contents()
     *    .native_sbuf -----------> .in_zs -------------------> .gptr, .egptr
     * Output:
     *                                       .sync();
     *                                       .deflate_chunk();
     *                   .sputn()            .z_contents()          .sputn
     *   .pbeg, .pend ------------> .out_zs -------------------------------> .native_sbuf

    /* we need to know if intending to use this zstreambuf for output:
     * (i) compressing an empty input sequence produces non-empty output (since will create a 20-byte gzip header)
     *     Therefore:
     *     (a) zstream("foo.gz", ios::out) should create valid foo.gz representing an empty sequence.
     *     (b) .sync_impl(true) needs to know whether to do this,  since it will also be called when intending
     *         this zstreambuf for input only
    std::ios::openmode openmode_;

    /* set irrevocably on .close() */
    bool closed_flag_ = false;

    /* reminder:
     * 1. .eback() <= .gptr() <= .egptr()
     * 2. input buffer pointers .eback() .gptr() .egptr() are owned by basic_streambuf,
     *    and these methods are non-virtual.
     * 3. it's required that [.eback .. .egptr] represent contiguous memory

    buffered_inflate_zstream in_zs_;
    buffered_deflate_zstream out_zs_;

    /* i/o for compressed data */
    std::unique_ptr<std::streambuf> native_sbuf_;

#  ifndef NDEBUG
    bool debug_flag_ = false;
#  endif
}; /*basic_zstreambuf*/

using zstreambuf = basic_zstreambuf<char>;

namespace std {
    template <typename CharT, typename Traits>
    void swap(basic_zstreambuf<CharT, Traits> & lhs,
              basic_zstreambuf<CharT, Traits> & rhs)
  1. zstream header
// zstream.hpp

#pragma once

#include "zstreambuf.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

/* note: We want to allow out-of-memory-order initialization here.
 *       1. We (presumably) must initialize .rdbuf before passing it to basic_iostream's ctor
 *       2. Since we inherit basic_iostream,  its memory will precede .rdbuf
 * Example 1 (compress)
 *   // zstream = basic_zstream<char>,  in this file following basic_zstream decl
 *   zstream zs(64*1024, "path/to/foo.gz", ios::out);
 *   zs << "some text to be compressed" << endl;
 *   zs.close();
 * Example 2 (uncompress)
 *   zstream zs(64*1024, "path/to/foo.gz", ios::in);
 *   while (!zs.eof()) {
 *     std::string x;
 *     zs >> x;
 *     cout << "input: [" << x << "]" << endl;
 *   }
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wreorder"
template <typename CharT, typename Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
class basic_zstream : public std::basic_iostream<CharT, Traits> {
    using char_type = CharT;
    using traits_type = Traits;
    using int_type = typename Traits::int_type;
    using pos_type = typename Traits::pos_type;
    using off_type = typename Traits::off_type;
    using zstreambuf_type = basic_zstreambuf<CharT, Traits>;

    static constexpr std::streamsize c_default_buffer_size = 64 * 1024;

    basic_zstream(std::streamsize buf_z,
                  std::unique_ptr<std::streambuf> native_sbuf,
                  std::ios::openmode mode)
        : rdbuf_(buf_z, std::move(native_sbuf), mode),
          std::basic_iostream<CharT, Traits>(&rdbuf_)
    /* convenience ctor;  apply default buffer size */
    basic_zstream(std::unique_ptr<std::streambuf> native_sbuf,
                  std::ios::openmode mode)
        : basic_zstream(c_default_buffer_size, std::move(native_sbuf), mode) {}
    /* convenience ctor;  creates filebuf attached to filename and opens it */
    basic_zstream(std::streamsize buf_z,
                  char const * filename,
                  std::ios::openmode mode = std::ios::in)
        : rdbuf_(buf_z,
                 std::unique_ptr<std::streambuf>((new std::filebuf())->open(filename,
                                                                            std::ios::binary | mode)),
          std::basic_iostream<CharT, Traits>(&rdbuf_)
    /* convenience ctor;  apply default buffer size */
    basic_zstream(char const * filename,
                  std::ios::openmode mode = std::ios::in)
        : basic_zstream(c_default_buffer_size, filename, mode) {}
    ~basic_zstream() = default;

    zstreambuf_type * rdbuf() { return &rdbuf_; }

    /* move-assignment */
    basic_zstream & operator=(basic_zstream && x) {
        /* assign any base-class state */
        std::basic_iostream<CharT, Traits>::operator=(x);

        this->rdbuf_ = std::move(x.rdbuf_);
        return *this;

    /* exchange state with x */
    void swap(basic_zstream & x) {
        /* swap any base-class state */
        std::basic_iostream<CharT, Traits>::swap(x);
        /* swap streambuf state */

    /* finishes writing compressed output */
    void close() {

#  ifndef NDEBUG
    void set_debug_flag(bool x) { rdbuf_.set_debug_flag(x); }
#  endif

    basic_zstreambuf<CharT, Traits> rdbuf_;
}; /*basic_zstream*/
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

using zstream = basic_zstream<char>;

namespace std {
    template <typename CharT, typename Traits>
    void swap(basic_zstream<CharT, Traits> & lhs,
              basic_zstream<CharT, Traits> & rhs)
  1. zstream unit test

boilerplate main

// zstream/utest/zstream_utest_main.cpp

#include "catch2/catch.hpp"

some text data

// zstream/utest/text.hpp

#pragma once

struct Text {
    static char const * s_text;
// zstream/utest/text.cpp

#include "text.hpp"

char const *
= ("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit"

unit test using zstreambuf api, various read/write chunk sizes

#include "text.hpp"
#include "zstream/zstream.hpp"
//#include "zstream/zstreambuf.hpp"
#include "catch2/catch.hpp"

#include <string_view>
#include <sstream>
#include <array>

using namespace std;

struct text_compare {
    text_compare(string_view s1, string_view s2) : s1_{std::move(s1)}, s2_{std::move(s2)} {}

    string_view s1_;
    string_view s2_;

ostream &
operator<< (ostream & os, text_compare const & x) {
    size_t n1 = x.s1_.size();
    size_t n2 = x.s2_.size();
    size_t n = std::min(n1, n2);

    size_t i = 0;

    while (i < n) {
        os << i << ": ";

        /* print all of s1(i .. i+99) */
        size_t line1 = std::min(i + 50, n1);
        for (size_t i1 = i; i1 < line1; ++i1) {
            if (isprint(x.s1_[i1]))
                os << x.s1_[i1];
                os << "\\";
        os << endl;

        os << i << ": ";

        /* print s2(i) only when != s1(i) */
        size_t line2 = std::min(i + 50, n2);
        for (size_t i2 = i; i2 < line2; ++i2) {
            if (i2 < line1 && (x.s2_[i2] == x.s1_[i2]))
                os << " ";
            else if (isprint(x.s2_[i2]))
                os << x.s2_[i2];
                os << "\\";
        os << endl;

        i += 50;

    return os;

namespace {
    struct TestCase {
        TestCase(uint32_t bufz, uint32_t wz, uint32_t rz)
            : buf_z_{bufz}, write_chunk_z_{wz}, read_chunk_z_{rz} {}

        /* buffer size for zstreambuf - applies to buffers for:
         * - uncompressed input + output
         * - compressed input + output
        uint32_t buf_z_ = 0;
        /* write uncompressed text in chunks of this size */
        uint32_t write_chunk_z_ = 0;
        /* read uncompresseed text in chunks of this size */
        uint32_t read_chunk_z_ = 0;

    static vector<TestCase> s_testcase_v = {
        TestCase(1, 1, 1),
        TestCase(1, 256, 256),
        TestCase(256, 15, 15),
        TestCase(256, 16, 16),
        TestCase(256, 17, 17),
        TestCase(256, 129, 129),
        TestCase(65536, 129, 129),
        TestCase(65536, 65536, 65536)

TEST_CASE("zstreambuf", "[zstreambuf]") {
    /* true to enable some logging,  useful if this unit test should fail */
    constexpr bool c_debug_flag = false;

    for (size_t i_tc = 0; i_tc < s_testcase_v.size(); ++i_tc) {
        TestCase const & tc = s_testcase_v[i_tc];

        INFO(tostr("i_tc=", i_tc));

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        // phase 1 - compress some text
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------

        /* buffer to hold compressed output */
        using zbuf_type = array<char, 64*1024>;
        unique_ptr<zbuf_type> zbuf(new zbuf_type());

        for (size_t i=0, n=sizeof(zbuf_type); i<n; ++i)
            (*zbuf)[i] = '\0';

        /* compressed output will appear here */
        unique_ptr<streambuf> zsbuf(new stringbuf());

        zsbuf->pubsetbuf(&((*zbuf)[0]), sizeof(zbuf_type));

        /* 256: for unit test want to exercise overflow.. frequently */
        unique_ptr<zstreambuf> ogbuf(new zstreambuf(tc.buf_z_, nullptr, ios::out));


        /* write from s_text in small chunk sizes */
        size_t const c_write_z = tc.write_chunk_z_;

        for (size_t i=0, n=strlen(Text::s_text); i<n;) {
            size_t nreq = std::min(c_write_z, n-i);
            REQUIRE(ogbuf->sputn(Text::s_text + i, nreq) == static_cast<streamsize>(nreq));

            i += nreq;


        if (c_debug_flag) {
            cout << "uc out: " << ogbuf->n_uc_out_total() << endl;
            cout << "z  out: " << ogbuf->n_z_out_total() << endl;

            size_t i = 0;
            size_t n = ogbuf->n_z_out_total();
            while (i < n) {
                /* 64 hex values */
                do {
                    uint8_t ch = (*zbuf)[i];
                    uint8_t lo = ch & 0xf;
                    uint8_t hi = ch >> 4;
                    char lo_ch = (lo < 10) ? '0' + lo : 'a' + lo - 10;
                    char hi_ch = (hi < 10) ? '0' + hi : 'a' + hi - 10;

                    cout << " " << hi_ch << lo_ch;

                } while ((i < n) && (i % 64 != 0));

                cout << endl;

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        // phase 2 - now decompress compressed output,
        //           make sure we recover original text
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------

        unique_ptr<streambuf> zsbuf2(new stringbuf());
        zsbuf2->pubsetbuf(&((*zbuf)[0]), ogbuf->n_z_out_total());

        unique_ptr<zstreambuf> ogbuf2(new zstreambuf(tc.buf_z_));

        /* read from ogbuf2 in small chunk sizes */
        unique_ptr<zbuf_type> ucbuf2(new zbuf_type());

        size_t const c_read_z = tc.read_chunk_z_;
        size_t i_uc = 0;
        size_t n_uc = 0;

        do {
            n_uc = ogbuf2->sgetn(&((*ucbuf2)[i_uc]), c_read_z);
            i_uc += n_uc;
        } while (n_uc == c_read_z);

        //INFO(tostr("uc_buf2=", hex_view(&(*ucbuf2)[0], &(*ucbuf2)[ogbuf2->n_uc_in_total()], true /*as_text*/)));
                          string_view(&(*ucbuf2)[0], &(*ucbuf2)[i_uc])));

        CHECK(ogbuf2->n_z_in_total() == ogbuf->n_z_out_total());
        CHECK(ogbuf2->n_uc_in_total() == ogbuf->n_uc_out_total());
        CHECK(i_uc == ::strlen(Text::s_text));

        for (size_t i=0; i<i_uc; ++i) {
            INFO(tostr("i=", i, ", s_text[i]=", Text::s_text[i], ", ucbuf2[i]=", (*ucbuf2)[i]));

            REQUIRE(Text::s_text[i] == (*ucbuf2)[i]);

unit test using zstream api

#include "text.hpp"
#include "zstream/zstream.hpp"
#include "catch2/catch.hpp"

using namespace std;

TEST_CASE("zstream", "[zstream]") {
    /* true to enable some logging,  useful if this unit test should fail */
    constexpr bool c_debug_flag = false;

    /* make some buffer space */
    using zbuf_type = array<char, 64*1024>;
    unique_ptr<zbuf_type> zbuf(new zbuf_type());
    std::fill(zbuf->begin(), zbuf->end(), '\0');

    size_t n_z_out_total = 0;

    /* compress.. */
        zstream zs(64 * 1024, std::move(unique_ptr<streambuf>(new stringbuf())), ios::out);

        zs.rdbuf()->native_sbuf()->pubsetbuf(&((*zbuf)[0]), zbuf->size());

        zs << Text::s_text << endl;

        /* reminder: have to close zstream to get complete compressed output. */

        if (c_debug_flag) {
            cout << "uc out: " << zs.rdbuf()->n_uc_out_total() << endl;
            cout << "z  out: " << zs.rdbuf()->n_z_out_total() << endl;

        size_t n = zs.rdbuf()->n_z_out_total();

        if (c_debug_flag) {
            size_t i = 0;
            while (i < n) {
                /* 64 hex values */
                do {
                    uint8_t ch = (*zbuf)[i];

                    cout << " " << ::hex(ch);
                } while ((i < n) && (i % 64 != 0));

                cout << endl;

        n_z_out_total = n;

    /* now decompress.. */
        zstream zs(64 * 1024,
                   std::move(unique_ptr<streambuf>(new stringbuf())),

        zs.rdbuf()->native_sbuf()->pubsetbuf(&((*zbuf)[0]), n_z_out_total);

        unique_ptr<zbuf_type> zbuf2(new zbuf_type());
        std::fill(zbuf2->begin(), zbuf2->end(), '\0');

        unique_ptr<zbuf_type> ucbuf2(new zbuf_type());
        std::fill(ucbuf2->begin(), ucbuf2->end(), '\0');

        zs.read(&((*ucbuf2)[0]), ucbuf2->size());
        streamsize n_read = zs.gcount();

        CHECK(n_read == static_cast<streamsize>(strlen(Text::s_text) + 1));

        INFO("uncompressed input:");
        INFO(string_view(&((*ucbuf2)[0]), &((*ucbuf2)[n_read])));

        for (streamsize i=0; i<n_read-1; ++i) {
            INFO(tostr("i=", i, ", s_text[i]=", Text::s_text[i], ", ucbuf2[i]=", (*ucbuf2)[i]));

            REQUIRE(Text::s_text[i] == (*ucbuf2)[i]);

namespace {
    struct TestCase {
        TestCase(uint32_t bufz, uint32_t wz, uint32_t rz)
            : buf_z_{bufz}, write_chunk_z_{wz}, read_chunk_z_{rz} {}

        /* buffer size for zstreambuf - applies to buffers for:
         * - uncompressed input + output
         * - compressed input + output
        uint32_t buf_z_ = 0;
        /* write uncompressed text in chunks of this size */
        uint32_t write_chunk_z_ = 0;
        /* read uncompresseed text in chunks of this size */
        uint32_t read_chunk_z_ = 0;

    static vector<TestCase> s_testcase_v = {
        TestCase(1, 1, 1),
        TestCase(1, 256, 256),
        TestCase(256, 15, 15),
        TestCase(256, 16, 16),
        TestCase(256, 17, 17),
        TestCase(256, 129, 129),
        TestCase(65536, 129, 129),
        TestCase(65536, 65536, 65536)

/* use zstream + write to file on disk.
TEST_CASE("zstream-filebuf", "[zstream]") {
    for (size_t i_tc = 0; i_tc < s_testcase_v.size(); ++i_tc) {
        TestCase const & tc = s_testcase_v[i_tc];

        INFO(tostr("i_tc=", i_tc));

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        // 1 - compress some text
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------

        std::string fname = tostr("test", i_tc, ".gz");

            INFO(tostr("writing to fname=", fname));

            zstream zs(fname.c_str(), ios::out);

            /* could just do
             *   zs.write(Text::s_text, strlen(Text::s_text))
             * here.
             * Instead write from s_text in small chunk sizes
            size_t const c_write_z = tc.write_chunk_z_;

            for (size_t i=0, n=strlen(Text::s_text); i<n;) {
                size_t nreq = std::min(c_write_z, n-i);

                zs.write(Text::s_text + i, nreq);
                i += nreq;


        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        // 2 - uncompress + verify
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------

        /* NOTE:
         * Can also demonstrate successful compression step with for example
         *   $ gunzip -c test0.gz

            INFO(tostr("reading from fname=", fname));

            zstream zs(fname.c_str(), ios::in);

            std::string input;

            size_t const c_read_z = tc.read_chunk_z_;
            size_t n_uc = 0;
            size_t i_uc = 0;
            do {
                zs.read(input.data() + n_uc, c_read_z);
                i_uc = zs.gcount();
                n_uc += i_uc;
            } while (i_uc == c_read_z);

            REQUIRE(n_uc == input.size());

            CHECK(n_uc == ::strlen(Text::s_text));

            for (size_t i=0; i<n_uc; ++i) {
                INFO(tostr("i=", i, ", s_text[i]=", Text::s_text[i], ", input[i]=", input[i]));

                REQUIRE(Text::s_text[i] == input[i]);

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        // 3 - cleanup
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------

  1. toplevel CMakeLists.txt:


$ cd cmake-examples
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build
[  5%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/compression.cpp.o
[ 11%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/inflate_zstream.cpp.o
[ 16%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/deflate_zstream.cpp.o
[ 22%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/buffered_inflate_zstream.cpp.o
[ 27%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/buffered_deflate_zstream.cpp.o
[ 33%] Linking CXX shared library libcompression.so
[ 33%] Built target compression
[ 38%] Building CXX object compression/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.compression.dir/compression_utest_main.cpp.o
[ 44%] Building CXX object compression/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.compression.dir/compression.test.cpp.o
[ 50%] Linking CXX executable utest.compression
[ 50%] Built target utest.compression
[ 55%] Building CXX object zstream/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.zstream.dir/text.cpp.o
[ 61%] Building CXX object zstream/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.zstream.dir/zstream_utest_main.cpp.o
[ 66%] Building CXX object zstream/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.zstream.dir/zstream.test.cpp.o
[ 72%] Building CXX object zstream/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.zstream.dir/zstreambuf.test.cpp.o
[ 77%] Linking CXX executable utest.zstream
[ 77%] Built target utest.zstream
[ 83%] Building CXX object app/hello/CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[ 88%] Linking CXX executable hello
[ 88%] Built target hello
[ 94%] Building CXX object app/myzip/CMakeFiles/myzip.dir/myzip.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable myzip
[100%] Built target myzip

Run unit tests:

$ (cd build && ctest)
Test project /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
    Start 1: utest.compression
1/3 Test #1: utest.compression ................   Passed    0.00 sec
    Start 2: utest.zstream
2/3 Test #2: utest.zstream ....................   Passed    0.03 sec
    Start 3: myzip.utest
3/3 Test #3: myzip.utest ......................   Passed    0.01 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 3

Total Test time (real) =   0.05 sec


$ cmake --install build
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/tostr.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/compression.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/base_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/inflate_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/buffer.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/deflate_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/span.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2.3
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/zstream
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/zstream/zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/zstream/zstreambuf.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/bin/hello
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/bin/hello" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/bin/myzip
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/bin/myzip" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
$ tree ~/scratch
├── bin
│   ├── hello
│   └── myzip
├── include
│   ├── compression
│   │   ├── base_zstream.hpp
│   │   ├── buffer.hpp
│   │   ├── buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp
│   │   ├── buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp
│   │   ├── compression.hpp
│   │   ├── deflate_zstream.hpp
│   │   ├── inflate_zstream.hpp
│   │   ├── span.hpp
│   │   └── tostr.hpp
│   └── zstream
│       ├── zstream.hpp
│       └── zstreambuf.hpp
└── lib
    ├── libcompression.so -> libcompression.so.2.3
    ├── libcompression.so.2
    └── libcompression.so.2.3 -> libcompression.so.2

5 directories, 16 files

Example 14

Provide github action support. This will only work out-of-the-box for a project hosted on github; that said, you can expect the mechanics we rely on here to translate to other CI platforms.

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git checkout ex14

source tree:

$ tree .github
└── workflows
    └── ex14.yml

1 directory, 1 file

(otherwise source tree unchanged from previous example)

$ tree
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── README.md
├── app
│   ├── hello
│   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   │   └── hello.cpp
│   └── myzip
│       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│       ├── myzip.cpp
│       └── utest
│           ├── CMakeLists.txt
│           ├── myzip.utest
│           └── textfile
├── compile_commands.json -> build/compile_commands.json
├── compression
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── buffered_deflate_zstream.cpp
│   ├── buffered_inflate_zstream.cpp
│   ├── compression.cpp
│   ├── deflate_zstream.cpp
│   ├── include
│   │   └── compression
│   │       ├── base_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── buffer.hpp
│   │       ├── buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── compression.hpp
│   │       ├── deflate_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── inflate_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── span.hpp
│   │       └── tostr.hpp
│   ├── inflate_zstream.cpp
│   └── utest
│       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│       ├── compression.test.cpp
│       └── compression_utest_main.cpp
└── zstream
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── include
    │   └── zstream
    │       ├── zstream.hpp
    │       └── zstreambuf.hpp
    └── utest
        ├── CMakeLists.txt
        ├── text.cpp
        ├── text.hpp
        ├── zstream.test.cpp
        ├── zstream_utest_main.cpp
        └── zstreambuf.test.cpp

12 directories, 38 files


  1. new directory .github/workflows
  2. new file .github/workflows/ex14.yml I believe any .yml file in .github/workflows will be included as a trigger for github actions.


# workflow for building cmake-examples
# using stock github runner (in practice some ubuntu release)

name: cmake-examples builder

  # trigger github-hosted rebuild when contents of branch 'ex14' changes
  # (most project would use 'main' here;  the progressive branch structure
  # of cmake-examples makes that not viable, since the build we want to invoke
  # doesn't exist in the 'main' branch)
    branches: [ "ex14" ]
    branches: [ "ex14" ]

  BUILD_TYPE: Release

    name: compile ex14 artifacts + run unit tests
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # external dependencies

    - name: install catch2
      run: sudo apt-get install -y catch2

    #- name: check package list
    #  run: apt-cache search boost

    - name: install boost program-options
      run: sudo apt-get install -y libboost-program-options1.74-dev

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # filesystem tree on runner
    #   ${{github.workspace}}
    #   +- repo
    #   |  \- cmake-examples     # source tree
    #   \- build
    #      \- cmake_examples     # build location

    - name: checkout cmake-examples source
      # see https://github.com/actions/checkout for latest

      uses: actions/checkout@v3
        ref: ex14
        path: repo/cmake-examples

    - name: prepare build directory
      run: mkdir -p build/cmake-examples

    - name: configure cmake-examples
      run: cmake -B ${{github.workspace}}/build/cmake-examples -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${{github.workspace}}/local repo/cmake-examples

    - name: build cmake-examples
      run: cmake --build ${{github.workspace}}/build/cmake-examples --config ${{env.BUILD_TYPE}}

    - name: test cmake-examples
      run: (cd ${{github.workspace}}/build/cmake-examples && ctest)

    - name: install cmake-examples
      run: cmake --install ${{github.workspace}}/build/cmake-examples


  1. You can review github actions activity at this url: https://github.com/rconybea/cmake-examples/actions
  2. Our CI workflow starts with a stock linux image (ubuntu-latest) provided by github. We can and must install additional dependencies (catch2, boost)
  3. Note that we don't get full control over the CI host environment here - for example we rely on the boost version that comes with whichever ubuntu release github provides; it's possible for CI to fail sometime if/when a non-backward-compatible change shows up in latest ubuntu release.
  4. We can achieve a fully-reproducible CI pipeline by containerizing. See .github/workflows/main.yml in https://github.com/rconybea/xo-nix3 for github CI workflow using a custom docker container. See https://github.com/rconybea/docker-xo-builder for construction of the docker container

Example 15

Provide unit test coverage. We will use gcov and lcov.

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex15

source tree

$ tree
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── README.md
├── app
│   ├── hello
│   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   │   └── hello.cpp
│   └── myzip
│       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│       ├── myzip.cpp
│       └── utest
│           ├── CMakeLists.txt
│           ├── myzip.utest
│           └── textfile
├── cmake
│   ├── gen-ccov.in
│   └── lcov-harness
├── compile_commands.json -> build/compile_commands.json
├── compression
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── buffered_deflate_zstream.cpp
│   ├── buffered_inflate_zstream.cpp
│   ├── compression.cpp
│   ├── deflate_zstream.cpp
│   ├── include
│   │   └── compression
│   │       ├── base_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── buffer.hpp
│   │       ├── buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── compression.hpp
│   │       ├── deflate_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── inflate_zstream.hpp
│   │       ├── span.hpp
│   │       └── tostr.hpp
│   ├── inflate_zstream.cpp
│   └── utest
│       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│       ├── compression.test.cpp
│       └── compression_utest_main.cpp
└── zstream
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── include
    │   └── zstream
    │       ├── zstream.hpp
    │       └── zstreambuf.hpp
    └── utest
        ├── CMakeLists.txt
        ├── text.cpp
        ├── text.hpp
        ├── zstream.test.cpp
        ├── zstream_utest_main.cpp
        └── zstreambuf.test.cpp

13 directories, 40 files


  1. in toplevel CMakeLists.txt provide default compile flags for configuration COVERAGE. (configuration activates with cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=coverage ...)
  2. when building under the COVERAGE configuration, executable targets will need to link with the gcov library.
  3. locate lcov and genhtml executables
  4. scripts to post-process coverage information. We split this into:
    • a cmake template (gen-ccov.in) to transfer configuration variables from cmake to shell
    • a worker script (lcov-harness) to collect and tidy gcov-generated data sets, then forward to lcov.

in cmake-examples/CMakeLists.txt:

compile flags (in toplevel CMakeLists.txt)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=coverage

    # note: for clang would use -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping here instead and also at link time
    set(PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_COVERAGE ${PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS} -ggdb -Og -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
        CACHE STRING "coverage c++ compiler flags")
message("-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_COVERAGE: coverage c++ flags are [${PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_COVERAGE}]")


conditionally link gcov (in toplevel CMakeLists.txt)

# when -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=coverage, link executables with gcov

locate lcov and genhtml (in toplevel CMakeLists.txt)

find_program(LCOV_EXECUTABLE NAMES lcov)
find_program(GENHTML_EXECUTABLE NAMES genhtml)

generate wrapper script path/to/build/gen-ccov

# with coverage build:
# 1. invoke instrumented executables for which you want coverage:
#     (cd path/to/build && ctest)
# 2. post-process low-level coverage data
#     (path/to/build/gen-ccov)
# 3. point browser to generated html data
#     file:///path/to/build/ccov/html/index.html


script template cmake/gen-ccov.in:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


if [[ $lcov == "LCOV_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND" ]]; then
    echo "gen-ccov: lcov executable not found"
    exit 1

if [[ $genhtml == "GENHTML_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND" ]]; then
    echo "gen-ccov: genhtml executable not found"
    exit 1

mkdir $builddir/ccov

$srcdir/cmake/lcov-harness $srcdir $builddir $builddir/ccov/out $lcov $genhtml

worker script cmake/lcov-harness, invoked by gen-ccov:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


if [[ -z "${srcdir}" ]]; then
    echo "lcov-harness: expected non-empty srcdir"
    exit 1

if [[ -z ${builddir} ]]; then
    echo "lcov-harness: expected non-empty builddir"
    exit 1

if [[ -z ${outputstem} ]]; then
    echo "lcov-harness: expected non-empty outputstem"
    exit 1

if [[ -z ${lcov} ]]; then
    echo "lcov-harness: exepcted non-empty lcov"
    exit 1

if [[ -z ${genhtml} ]]; then
    echo "lcov-harness: expected non-empty genhtml"
    exit 1

# directory stems for location of {.gcda, gcno} coverage information,
# if we have source tree:
#   ${srcdir}
#   +- foo
#   |  \- foo.cpp
#   \- bar
#      \- quux
#         +- quux.cpp
#         \- quux_main.cpp
# then we expect build tree:
#   ${builddir}
#   +- foo
#   |  \- CMakeFiles
#   |     \- foo_target.dir
#   |        +- foo.cpp.gcda
#   |        \- foo.cpp.gcno
#   +- bar
#      \- quux
#         \- CMakeFiles
#            \- target4quux.dir
#               +- quux.cpp.gcda
#               +- quux.cpp.gcno
#               +- quux_main.cpp.gcda
#               \- quux_main.cpp.gcno
# in which case will have cmd_body:
#   ${primarydirs}
#      ./foo/CMakeFiles/foo_target.dir
#      ./bar/quux/CMakeFiles/target4quux.dir
# here foo_target, quux_target are whatever build is using for corresponding cmake target names.
# We want to invoke lcov like:
#   lcov --capture \
#        --output ${builddir}/ccov \
#        --exclude /utest/ \
#        --base-directory ${srcdir}/foo --directory ${builddir}/foo/CMakeFiles/foo_target.dir \
#        --base-directory ${srcdir}/bar/quux --directory ${builddir}/bar/quux/CMakeFiles/target4quux.dir
primarydirs=$(cd ${builddir} && find -name '*.gcno' \
                  | xargs --replace=xx dirname xx \
                  | uniq \
                  | sed -e 's:^\./::')

#echo "primarydirs=${primarydirs}"

cmd="${lcov} --output ${outputstem}.info --capture --ignore-errors source"

for bdir in ${primarydirs}; do
    sdir=$(dirname $(dirname ${bdir}))

    cmd="${cmd} --base-directory ${srcdir}/${sdir} --directory ${builddir}/${bdir}"

#echo cmd=${cmd}

set -x

# capture

# keep only files with paths under source tree
# (don't want coverage for external libraries such as libstdc++ etc)
${lcov} --extract ${outputstem}.info "${srcdir}/*" --output ${outputstem}2.info

# remove unit test dirs
# (we're interested in coverage of our installed code,  not of the unit tests that exercise it)
${lcov} --remove ${outputstem}2.info '*/utest/*' --output ${outputstem}3.info

# generate .html tree
mkdir -p ${builddir}/ccov/html
${genhtml} --ignore-errors source --show-details --prefix ${srcdir} --output-directory ${builddir}/ccov/html ${outputstem}3.info

# also send report to stdout
${lcov} --list ${outputstem}3.info

To build with code coverage enabled:

$ cd cmake-examples
$ cmake --build build_coverage -j
$ (cd build_coverage && ctest)    # run instrument tests to generate coverage data
$ ./build_coverage/gen-ccov       # collect + post-process coverage data, generate html tree in ./build_ccov/ccov
+ lcov --list /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_coverage/ccov/out3.info
Reading tracefile /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build_coverage/ccov/out3.info
                                               |Lines      |Functions|Branches
Filename                                       |Rate    Num|Rate  Num|Rate   Num
myzip.cpp                                      |85.7%    35| 100%   1|    -    0

buffered_deflate_zstream.cpp                   | 100%     5| 100%   1|    -    0
buffered_inflate_zstream.cpp                   | 100%     5| 100%   1|    -    0
compression.cpp                                |75.7%    74| 100%   4|    -    0
deflate_zstream.cpp                            |85.2%    27|75.0%   4|    -    0
include/compression/base_zstream.hpp           |92.3%    13| 100%   1|    -    0
include/compression/buffer.hpp                 |96.7%    30| 100%   3|    -    0
include/compression/bu...ed_deflate_zstream.hpp| 100%    18| 100%   5|    -    0
include/compression/bu...ed_inflate_zstream.hpp|95.0%    20| 100%   7|    -    0
include/compression/span.hpp                   | 100%     6|    -   0|    -    0
include/compression/tostr.hpp                  | 100%     9|43.2%  44|    -    0
inflate_zstream.cpp                            |76.7%    30|75.0%   4|    -    0

zstream.hpp                                    | 100%     7|66.7%   3|    -    0
zstreambuf.hpp                                 |81.3%    75|90.0%  10|    -    0
                                         Total:|85.6%   354|67.0%  88|    -    0

For browseable dataset cross-correlated with source code, point web browser to file:///path/to/build_coverage/ccov/html/index.html

Example 16

Add a performance benchmark. This relies on catch2's builtin functionality.

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex16

source tree as per preceding example


  1. in compression.test.cpp and compression_utest_main.cpp, enable catch2 benchmarking:
  2. in compression/utest/compression.test.cpp, add benchmark
  3. in compression/utest/CMakeLists.txt setup benchmark invocation.

In compression.test.cpp:

namespace {
    void compression_benchmark(char const * deflate_name,
                               char const * inflate_name,
                               size_t problem_size)
        constexpr size_t i_tc = 2;
        size_t og_data_z = 0;
        vector<uint8_t> og_data_v;
        vector<uint8_t> z_data_v;

        BENCHMARK_ADVANCED(deflate_name)(Catch::Benchmark::Chronometer clock) {
            /* 1. setup */

            size_t text_z = s_testcase_v[i_tc].og_text.size();

            /* test string comprising consecutive copies of test pattern */
            og_data_z = problem_size;

            for (size_t i_copy = 0; i_copy * text_z < problem_size; ++i_copy) {
                size_t i_start = i_copy * text_z;
                size_t i_end   = std::min((i_copy + 1) * text_z, problem_size);

                          s_testcase_v[i_tc].og_text.begin() + (i_end - i_start),
                          og_data_v.begin() + i_start);

            /* 2. run */

            clock.measure([&og_data_v, &z_data_v] {
                z_data_v = compression::deflate(og_data_v);

                return z_data_v.size();  /* just to make sure optimizer doesn't interfere */

        vector<uint8_t> og_data2_v;

        BENCHMARK(inflate_name) {
            og_data2_v = compression::inflate(z_data_v, og_data_z);

            return og_data2_v.size();

        REQUIRE(og_data_v == og_data2_v);

TEST_CASE("compression-benchmark", "[!benchmark]") {
    compression_benchmark("deflate-128k", "inflate-128k", 128*1024);
    compression_benchmark("deflate-1m", "inflate-1m", 1024*1024);
    compression_benchmark("deflate-10m", "inflate-10m", 10*1024*1024);
    compression_benchmark("deflate-128m", "inflate-128m", 128*1024*1024);
    compression_benchmark("deflate-1g", "inflate-1g", 1024*1024*1024);


  1. The [!benchmark] argument to TEST_CASE() is special. It tells catch2 to treat the compression-benchmark test as disabled.
  2. To restore the benchmark, need:
    ./build/compression/utest/utest.compression '~[benchmark]'
  3. This will run the compression-benchmark test, along with any other tests using the [!benchmark] tag.

In compression/utest/CMakeLists.txt, setup separate pathway for invoking our utest.compression benchmark:

set(SELF_BENCHMARK benchmark.compression)
    COMMAND ${SELF_UTEST} ~[benchmark] --benchmark-no-analysis --benchmark-samples 1)
set_tests_properties(${SELF_BENCHMARK} PROPERTIES LABELS "benchmark")

To run unit tests (with benchmarks excluded):

$ cd cmake-examples/build
$ ctest -E benchmark
Test project /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
    Start 1: utest.compression
1/3 Test #1: utest.compression ................   Passed    0.00 sec
    Start 2: utest.zstream
2/3 Test #2: utest.zstream ....................   Passed    0.04 sec
    Start 3: myzip.utest
3/3 Test #3: myzip.utest ......................   Passed    0.01 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 3

Total Test time (real) =   0.05 sec

To run benchmarks:

$ cd cmake-examples/build
$ ctest -L benchmark --verbose   # need verbose to get benchmark output on console
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Updating test list for fixtures
Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 2
    Start 2: benchmark.compression

2: Test command: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build/compression/utest/utest.compression "~[benchmark]" "--benchmark-no-analysis" "--benchmark-samples" "1"
2: Working Directory: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build/compression/utest
2: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
2: Filters: ~[benchmark]
2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2: utest.compression is a Catch v2.13.10 host application.
2: Run with -? for options
2: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2: compression-benchmark
2: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/compression/utest/compression.test.cpp:127
2: ...............................................................................
2: benchmark name                            samples    iterations          mean
2: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2: deflate-128k                                     1            14    2.47621 us
2: inflate-128k                                     1            20     2.3415 us
2: deflate-1m                                       1            13    2.64892 us
2: inflate-1m                                       1             2    89.8385 us
2: deflate-10m                                      1            14    2.63143 us
2: inflate-10m                                      1             1     766.34 us
2: deflate-128m                                     1            14      2.741 us
2: inflate-128m                                     1             1     13.658 ms
2: deflate-1g                                       1            14    2.88914 us
2: inflate-1g                                       1             1    256.041 ms
2: ===============================================================================
2: All tests passed (8 assertions in 2 test cases)
1/1 Test #2: benchmark.compression ............   Passed   14.65 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1

Label Time Summary:
benchmark    =  14.65 sec*proc (1 test)

Total Test time (real) =  14.65 sec

Example 17

Add a pybind11 library. We will wrap zstream for python

We have to commit to a python minor version number; this is determined by the python.h version that gets included from pybind11. Any translation unit that directly-or-indirectly includes python.h, also pins its build artifacts to the particular python minor version associated with that header. It follows that we want to minimize the set of translation units that are so pinned.

$ cd cmake-examples
$ git switch ex17

source tree:

$ tree
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- README.md
|-- app
|   |-- hello
|   |   |-- CMakeLists.txt
|   |   `-- hello.cpp
|   `-- myzip
|       |-- CMakeLists.txt
|       |-- myzip.cpp
|       `-- utest
|           |-- CMakeLists.txt
|           |-- myzip.utest
|           `-- textfile
|-- cmake
|   |-- gen-ccov.in
|   `-- lcov-harness
|-- compile_commands.json -> build/compile_commands.json
|-- compression
|   |-- CMakeLists.txt
|   |-- buffered_deflate_zstream.cpp
|   |-- buffered_inflate_zstream.cpp
|   |-- compression.cpp
|   |-- deflate_zstream.cpp
|   |-- include
|   |   `-- compression
|   |       |-- base_zstream.hpp
|   |       |-- buffer.hpp
|   |       |-- buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp
|   |       |-- buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp
|   |       |-- compression.hpp
|   |       |-- deflate_zstream.hpp
|   |       |-- inflate_zstream.hpp
|   |       |-- span.hpp
|   |       `-- tostr.hpp
|   |-- inflate_zstream.cpp
|   `-- utest
|       |-- CMakeLists.txt
|       |-- compression.test.cpp
|       `-- compression_utest_main.cpp
|-- pyzstream
|   |-- CMakeLists.txt
|   `-- pyzstream.cpp
`-- zstream
    |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- include
    |   `-- zstream
    |       |-- zstream.hpp
    |       `-- zstreambuf.hpp
    `-- utest
        |-- CMakeLists.txt
        |-- text.cpp
        |-- text.hpp
        |-- zstream.test.cpp
        |-- zstream_utest_main.cpp
        `-- zstreambuf.test.cpp

14 directories, 42 files


  1. new pybind11 library pyzstream.
  2. expand top-level CMakeLists.txt, add pybind11 and pyzstream


  1. pyzstream build
# pyzstream/CMakeLists.txt

set(SELF_LIB pyzstream)

pybind11_add_module(${SELF_LIB} MODULE pyzstream.cpp)

target_link_libraries(${SELF_LIB} PUBLIC zstream)



  • We don't write add_library() here, even though pybind11 will build a shared library; pybind11 takes responsibility for setting suitable compile+link flags for a library that will be invoked from python interpreter.
  • We've left out the EXPORT, ARCHIVE, RUNTIME, PUBLIC_HEADER and BUNDLE arguments to install(), because we know we don't need them for a pybind11 library (since will be only used at runtime as a direct or indirect python dependency.
  1. pyzstream.cpp source
#include "zstream/zstream.hpp"
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>

namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace std;

PYBIND11_MODULE(pyzstream, m) {
    // see https://docs.python.org/3/library/operator.html#mapping-operators-to-functions

    m.doc() = "pybind11 plugin for zstream";

    /* wrap ios::openmode */
    py::class_<std::ios::openmode>(m, "openmode")
        /* note: 'in' is a keyword in python, can't use here */
        .def_property_readonly_static("input", [](py::object /*self*/) { return std::ios::in; })
        .def_property_readonly_static("output", [](py::object /*self*/) { return std::ios::out; })
        .def_property_readonly_static("binary", [](py::object /*self*/) { return std::ios::binary; })
        .def("__or__", [](std::ios::openmode x, std::ios::openmode y) { return x|y; })
        .def("__and__", [](std::ios::openmode x, std::ios::openmode y) { return x&y; })
             [](std::ios::openmode & self)
                     std::stringstream ss;

                     ss << "<openmode ";
                     std::size_t nset = 0;
                     if (self & std::ios::in) {
                         ss << "input";
                     if (self & std::ios::out) {
                         if (nset)
                             ss << "|";
                         ss << "output";
                     if (self & std::ios::binary) {
                         if (nset)
                             ss << "|";
                         ss << "binary";
                     ss << ">";

                     return ss.str();

    /* The c++ style of iostream reading won't map nicely to python,
     * because expression like
     *   s >> x >> y
     * rely on type information from x, y.
     * Instead plan to target the python File api.
     * Expect to wrap pyzstream into a python class that inherits from the python File class
    py::class_<zstream>(m, "zstream")
        .def(py::init<std::streamsize, char const *, std::ios::openmode>())
             [](zstream & zs, std::streamsize z)
                     /* here we assume we should think of input as being in text mode */
                     std::string retval;

                     /* read into buffer */
                     zs.read(retval.data(), z);

                     std::streamsize n_read = zs.gcount();


                     return retval;
             [](zstream & zs, std::string const & x)
                     zs.write(x.data(), x.size());

                     /* cannot return this,  because don't know address of unique python wrapper object */
        .def("close", &zstream::close)
             [](zstream & zs)
                     return "<zstream>";
  1. add to toplevel CMakeLists.txt:


$ cd cmake-examples
$ mkdir -p build
-- CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD: c++ standard level is [20]
-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS: project c++ flags are [-Werror;-Wall;-Wextra;-fno-strict-aliasing]
-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG: debug c++ flags are [-Werror;-Wall;-Wextra;-fno-strict-aliasing;-ggdb]
-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE: release c++ flags are [-Werror;-Wall;-Wextra;-fno-strict-aliasing;-march=native;-O3;-DNDEBUG]
-- PROJECT_CXX_FLAGS_COVERAGE: coverage c++ flags are [-Werror;-Wall;-Wextra;-fno-strict-aliasing;-ggdb;-Og;-fprofile-arcs;-ftest-coverage]
-- Found pybind11: /path/to/pybind11/include (found version "2.10.4")
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/roland/proj/cmake-examples/build
$ cmake --build build
[  5%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/compression.cpp.o
[ 10%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/inflate_zstream.cpp.o
[ 15%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/deflate_zstream.cpp.o
[ 20%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/buffered_inflate_zstream.cpp.o
[ 25%] Building CXX object compression/CMakeFiles/compression.dir/buffered_deflate_zstream.cpp.o
[ 30%] Linking CXX shared library libcompression.so
[ 30%] Built target compression
[ 35%] Building CXX object compression/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.compression.dir/compression_utest_main.cpp.o
[ 40%] Building CXX object compression/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.compression.dir/compression.test.cpp.o
[ 45%] Linking CXX executable utest.compression
[ 45%] Built target utest.compression
[ 50%] Building CXX object zstream/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.zstream.dir/text.cpp.o
[ 55%] Building CXX object zstream/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.zstream.dir/zstream_utest_main.cpp.o
[ 60%] Building CXX object zstream/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.zstream.dir/zstream.test.cpp.o
[ 65%] Building CXX object zstream/utest/CMakeFiles/utest.zstream.dir/zstreambuf.test.cpp.o
[ 70%] Linking CXX executable utest.zstream
[ 70%] Built target utest.zstream
[ 75%] Building CXX object pyzstream/CMakeFiles/pyzstream.dir/pyzstream.cpp.o
[ 80%] Linking CXX shared module pyzstream.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so
lto-wrapper: warning: using serial compilation of 3 LTRANS jobs
lto-wrapper: note: see the '-flto' option documentation for more information
[ 80%] Built target pyzstream
[ 85%] Building CXX object app/hello/CMakeFiles/hello.dir/hello.cpp.o
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable hello
[ 90%] Built target hello
[ 95%] Building CXX object app/myzip/CMakeFiles/myzip.dir/myzip.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable myzip
[100%] Built target myzip


  • pybind11 enables link-time optimization (it relies on it for performance reasons). The -fno-strict-aliasing default we introduced in example 1b is pertinent here, since link-time optimization increases the scope for bug-inducing compiler optimizations when codebase contains a strict aliasing violation.


$ cmake --install build
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/tostr.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/compression.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/base_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/inflate_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/buffer.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/deflate_zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/compression/span.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2.3
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so.2" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/libcompression.so
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/zstream
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/zstream/zstream.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/include/zstream/zstreambuf.hpp
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/lib/pyzstream.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/lib/pyzstream.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/bin/hello
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/bin/hello" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
-- Installing: /home/roland/scratch/bin/myzip
-- Set runtime path of "/home/roland/scratch/bin/myzip" to "/home/roland/scratch/lib"
$ tree $PREFIX
|-- bin
|   |-- hello
|   `-- myzip
|-- include
|   |-- compression
|   |   |-- base_zstream.hpp
|   |   |-- buffer.hpp
|   |   |-- buffered_deflate_zstream.hpp
|   |   |-- buffered_inflate_zstream.hpp
|   |   |-- compression.hpp
|   |   |-- deflate_zstream.hpp
|   |   |-- inflate_zstream.hpp
|   |   |-- span.hpp
|   |   `-- tostr.hpp
|   `-- zstream
|       |-- zstream.hpp
|       `-- zstreambuf.hpp
`-- lib
    |-- libcompression.so -> libcompression.so.2.3
    |-- libcompression.so.2
    |-- libcompression.so.2.3 -> libcompression.so.2
    `-- pyzstream.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so


  • The pyzstream library pyzstream.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so follows python naming conventions, it will only be accepted by a python 3.10 interpreter.
  • pyzstream has a runtime dependency on libcompression.so:
    $ readelf -d $PREFIX/lib/pyzstream.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so | grep NEEDED
     0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [libcompression.so.2.3]
     0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [libz.so.1]
     0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [libstdc++.so.6]
     0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [libm.so.6]
     0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [libgcc_s.so.1]
     0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [libc.so.6]
     0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [ld-linux-x86-64.so.2]
  • The install step also patches the runtime path of pyzstream to $PREFIX/lib:
    $ readelf -d $PREFIX/lib/pyzstream.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so | grep RUNPATH
     0x000000000000001d (RUNPATH)            Library runpath: [/home/roland/scratch/lib:...]
    Later, when python dynamically loads pyzstream, the loader will rely on RUNPATH to resolve libcompression.so.2.3

Use from python:

$ python
Python 3.10.13 (main, Aug 24 2023, 12:59:26) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pyzstream
>>> zs=pyzstream.zstream(16*1024, "foo.gz", pyzstream.openmode.output)
>>> zs
>>> zs.write("hello, there!\n")
>>> zs.close()

The compressed binary is small enough to inspect:

$ od -x foo.gz
0000000  8b1f  0008  0000  0000  0300  48cb  c9cd  d7c9
0000020  2851  48c9  4a2d  e455  0002  f4ec  f918  000e
0000040  0000

Since it's in gzip format, we can recover plain text with gunzip:

$ gunzip -c foo.gz
hello, there!

or from python:

$ python
>>> import pyzstream
>>> zs=pyzstream.zstream(16*1024, "foo.gz", pyzstream.openmode.input)
>>> zs.read(100)
'hello, there!\n'