
c++ builder for xo projects

Primary LanguageNix

  1. Docker container providing toolchain for c++ projects like XO
  2. Container prepared using nix.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage.
    • doesn't contain unnecessary bulk
    • layers chosen automatically to promote sharing

build/update instructions

$ cd ~/proj/docker-xo-builder  # directory containing this file
$ nix build -L --print-build-logs .#docker-xo-builder

upload to docker

$ docker load <~/proj/docker-xo-builder/result

2a. Note: to publish container to github, need a personal access token:

  • on github.com/${myusername}:
    • visit profile (upper rhs or github.com)
      • developer settings (bottom of sidebar)
        • personal access tokens
          • tokens (classic) 'generate a personal access token'

            scopes needed:

            • read:packages
            • write:packages
            • delete:packages


$ export CR_PAT=${token}
$ echo $CR_PAT | docker login ghcr.io -u rconybea --password-stdin
Login Succeeded

Docker keeps secret in ~/.docker/config.json, so don't need to remember token separately unless want to use for something besides docker.

tag image the way github expects, i.e. format ghcr.io/${username}/${imagename}:${tag} (tag should match outputs.docker_builder_deriv.tag in flake.nix)

$ docker image tag docker-xo-builder:v1 ghcr.io/rconybea/docker-xo-builder:v1

push to github container registry:

$ docker image push ghcr.io/rconybea/docker-xo-builder:v1
The push refers to repository [ghcr.io/rconybea/docker-xo-builder]
v1: digest: sha256:e1aad3df64c1ea2ed6674b354e22e3807a831bb8229fa3be399c21f87ea72cb6 size: 6192

verify it's arrived by inspecting the gihub 'packages' tab [https://github.com/Rconybea?tab=packages]

image (github package) is initially private; make it public from the package's 'setting' link

for example workflow using this image, see [https://github.com/rconybea/docker-action-example3]

To test container locally:

docker run -i docker-xo-builder:v1 bash

miscellaneous commands

list available docker images

$ docker image ls
REPOSITORY                            TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
docker-xo-builder                     v1        ce3fdf8fa87f   5 minutes ago   750MB