
Doesn't run on expo

ls30378 opened this issue · 4 comments


Please go through this checklist before opening a new issue


Please provide the following information about your environment:

  1. Development OS: Mac, Windows, Linux
  • Linux
  1. Device OS & Version: What Android OS version (7.0, 8.0, etc.) or iOS version (11.0, 11.2) is your device running on?
  • Android Emulator - Pixel 5 Android Version 13
  1. Version: ViroReact version and React Native version
  • "react-native": "0.70.5",     "@viro-community/react-viro": "^2.23.0",
  1. Device(s): What device(s) are you are seeing the issue on (i.e. iPhone X, Samsung Note 8, etc)
  • On Android Emulator


I created new expo-cli project to learn ViroAR but I can't start the project, after I installed the package I added it to app.json and prebuild the project, after that I builded with eas, installed the development build in emulator and now when I try to open the app it just shows the splash screen and after that it crashes. I didn't implement anything in any js file, is just the file that comes when you create new expo project

Reproducible Demo

"expo": {
    "plugins": [

Not able to run on react-native": "0.70.6

Not able to run on react-native": "0.70.6

Any solution?

Not able to run on react-native": "0.70.6

Any solution?

Not yet, I guess they are not supporting the latest react native version above than 0.69. I'm not able to run it on android and ios as well.

PS: Im using react-native cli instead of expo

We support Expo Dev Clients and npx expo prebuild. We support the most recent 4 SDKs of Expo (47, 48, 49, 50).

We do NOT support the Android Emulator. Google and Apple don't support AR very well on the emulator/simulator. If this changes, we will update our support.

I've updated 2.23.1 to support more versions of React Native as well. If there are other issues you are running into, please open a new issue! 😄