
Make request logging opt in, provide an ability to opt out or allow passing in a logger

ptrkstr opened this issue · 2 comments

Short description of the issue:

When utilising URLSession+Rx.swift, requests are logged in non-DEBUG environments as seen here. This gives the consumer of Rx no choice of opting out of these logs when developing.

Expected outcome:

One of these options would suffice:

  • Make logs opt-in
  • Allow logs to be opt-out
  • Allow consumer to pass in a logger

What actually happens:

Consumer of Rx cannot opt-out of logs.

Self contained code example that reproduces the issue:

Any code that uses URLSession.rx.response(request:...

RxSwift/RxCocoa/RxBlocking/RxTest version/commit

On master as of commit: 04c8d2b491b54e46a3534254bed8807b4a954fad


  • All platforms that use URLSession.rx.response(request:...

How easy is to reproduce? (chances of successful reproduce after running the self contained code)

  • easy, 100% repro
  • sometimes, 10%-100%
  • hard, 2% - 10%
  • extremely hard, %0 - 2%

You can opt-out by simply adding this in your app delegate:

Reactive.shouldLogRequest = { _ in false }

Amazing thank you @danielt1263 !