
Imports not resolving at all in some environments for RxJS 7.

benlesh opened this issue · 3 comments


When trying to import anything in RxJS 7, in some environments, in particular, and, the "rxjs" module does not seem to resolve. It worked fine with rxjs@7.0.0-rc.2, but not with rxjs@7.0.0. I suspect the references and the typesVersions addition are to blame. What a mess.

It seems to work fine in most other "real world" environments, from my testing though.

Broken codesandbox

Broken stackblitz



Error message: Cannot find module 'rxjs' or its corresponding type declarations.(2307)

Solution: rxjs@7 requires TypeScript 4.2 or higher please update TypeScript.

For information, it happens in real world too: example here (GitHub Actions checks of last commit of cyrilletuzi/angular-async-local-storage#642)

I linked to CI so you can see the issue directly, but same thing happen inside of VS Code.

after updating to typescript 4.2.4 the problem would be gone. I say "would", because my angular project needs the typescript version to be < 4.2.0

@gritschf it's possible that codesandbox and stackblitz are still not TS 4.2. But I thought that stackblitz was, at least. 🤔