Property 'currentObservers' is missing in type rxjs
baronkoko opened this issue · 1 comments
baronkoko commented
Describe the bug
A typescript error occurs when using the Subject
as a type. Can someone help with this, please?
Argument of type '(subscription: Subject<void>) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type '(value: { closed: boolean; observers: { next: (value: void) => void; error: (err: any) => void; complete: () => void; }[]; isStopped: boolean; hasError: boolean; thrownError: any; lift: <R>(operator: Operator<void, R>) => Observable<...>; ... 11 more ...; toPromise: { ...; }; }, index: number, array: { ...; }[]) => ...'.
Types of parameters 'subscription' and 'value' are incompatible.
Property 'currentObservers' is missing in type '{ closed: boolean; observers: { next: (value: void) => void; error: (err: any) => void; complete: () => void; }[]; isStopped: boolean; hasError: boolean; thrownError: any; lift: <R>(operator: Operator<void, R>) => Observable<...>; ... 11 more ...; toPromise: { ...; }; }' but required in type 'Subject<void>'.
Expected behavior
When using the Subject
as a type, typescript errors should not occur
Reproduction code
No response
Reproduction URL
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Additional context
No response
kwonoj commented
Using rxjs only works fine. This seems related with this
context in nuxt with its defining components for inner context values, which rxjs cannot control over.
If you still think this is rxjs side issue, please create a repro without nuxt involved.