
Where does commercial (monetary) success comes in?

mjtpena opened this issue · 5 comments

My interests of late comes with Business and Economics. Just out of curiosity where does commercial success comes in the picture: AKA if a consultant have placed X amount of money to the company directly and indirectly. Should it matter or it shouldn't be a factor at all?

At least for the development roles, that seems to come under "investing into Readify" in terms of managing client relationships so that they want us back, and finding other opportunities. As you'd probably expect, those become more important for LC and PC

I see. But does that measure you as a good consultant than others?
And should it be a default qualification once you're on LC and PC?

How that would be a measure of being a good consultant? Can you give an example?

A lot of factors to be considered I guess, but it all boils down to:

  1. Are you on a billable project or doing internal work?
  2. What rate are you charging the client? Discounted or Full.
  3. Involvement in Pre-sales that eventually made it to delivery.
  4. On-boarding colleagues as a result of scaling your current team.

I know that the idea that we talk about money correlating to consultant performance is not really ideal. But would it be a factor for success as a collective idea within the company?

Items 1, 2, and 3 aren't really in the control of the consultant in my experience. Being enthusiastic about taking on pre-sales tasks when opportunity arises is one thing, but I've never ever had the choice between doing billable work or internal project work.

In addition item 4 I would say is covered by "I am a supporter of my team and my customer." and "I am investing back into Readify." along with similar statements at other levels.

I personally don't think you've identified an area that isn't covered already, but I welcome further explanation if there's something I'm missing.