
Multimode to get live section scrolled section of time table of the last user who has used our app

shreya-mishra opened this issue · 0 comments

Issue Description

  • wanted a switch to get the value who are currently using our app in the bubble
  • And that person circle will be green and set to first in the col
  • When we are live or multimode on then all the selected users and dropdown will be gone
  • that means will have new array who are live ( live means they are actively doing something on table
  • question how do we decide that users are live currently ?
  • now the users whoever has last scrolled no matter if their multimode is on or not in the section in table that part will be shown whoever has switched on their multimode on

2 Part
If above one is working then bubbles should animate from their position to first one

Expected Behavior

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Current Behavior

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  • Version of Software/Project: [e.g., v1.0.0]

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  • I have searched for similar issues before creating this one.
  • I have provided all the necessary information to understand and reproduce the issue.
  • I am willing to contribute to the resolution of this issue.

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