
site.manifest Browser Caching in WordPress

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Guys,

I'm getting a flag on GTMetrix to say that site.manifest is not leveraging browser caching. Have you any ideas why this might be?

The website is built using WordPress and I have browser caching setup via Litespeed Cache. I've tried adding several variations of the mime type to enable it and add an expire header in the .htaccess file, but no luck. Not sure if this is an issue with the file in WordPress, something to do with the mime type, or perhaps I've just not found the correct code to drop into the .htaccess file yet.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Kind regards,


In case this helps anyone else. I changed the site.manifest file to manifest.js and linked to that in the head instead. This fixed the browser caching problem, but also fixed a gzip compression warning as well, that I hadn't noticed when I posted this issue.

Hope this helps someone else out.