Square images cropped too much
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This is a suggestion more than an issue.
As I manually found out (no tips inside the reference) and as I say in this question on Stack Overflow, "the maximum allowed size for an og:image to be considered a square by Facebook is 445x445 pixels. A 446x446 image is treated by Facebook as a wide one".
Inside the Social Generator, if I choose to display my image as a square image it crops the larger dimension and displays:
meta property="og:image:width" content="x"
meta property="og:image:height" content="x"
Where x is the length in pixel of the square size.
This means that if I upload an image bigger than 495 pixels, it should crop both dimensions and output og:image:width=495 and og:image:height=495.
The problem is that the generator considers the maximum allowed size 279x279 (maybe for an older implementation of the Open Graph): this means that a 495x495 image would be cropped to 56.63%, losing quality.
Since it took me hours of trials and error to find out what the maximum allowed size is, I think that this suggestion could be useful to optimize the Social meta data generator and grant the best user experience possible.