
[Multiplayer] Out of Sync

Opened this issue · 8 comments

I did a test-game with a friend of mine yesterday and actually the whole game was unplayable at the current state. I got "Out of Sync" on various maps within the first 5-10 minutes of playing and the player's movement were so much out of sync, that we had to instantly restart the game and try another map.

I have no idea how to track that actually or help fixing it, finding the responsible issues. Any ideas?

I am not expert with these things, but did the ping change at some point? Did you notice if some actors where "flickering" or moving out from their place when playing? And it looks like you got same issue like on #1241

Actually not, we played in a local network environment, the ping was very low, no flickering, now issues. The players just started to de-syncronize, being at different spots in the game on each instance.

I fear it is related to the usage of thinkers collected by the EffectManager, which has been created to work for Single Player in mind

I have no idea regarding this and how it can be improved. What do @Talon1024 and @AFADoomer say?

I think I know where the problem is likely to be, but just disabled culling completely during multiplayer in the meantime.

Has this occured after AFADoomer's commit?

I need to test it again as soon as my friend has some time.

Tested it, unfortunately instantly out of sync after playing for 2 minutes