
Opening safe instructions

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Screenshot taken from BoA 3.1. The instructions below do not show up in the latest git build 3.2. Intentional ?
3 1 safe

Yep, the text is gone.

The instructions not showing up is not intentional.

The instructions show up in 1080p if HUD scaling is set to 1. I don't know why it doesn't work for higher scale factors, but I guess it's because the text is being drawn below the bottom edge of the screen.

Yes, it does work wit HUD scaling set to 1. Still a bug though, as no problem with 3.1, whatever scale setting.

Applied the latest breakstring.zs, and found the issue still present. @x3003 can you confirm.

The issue is with scripts/menus/interface.zs, not breakstring.zs

Sorry about that. Fix confirmed.

It's fixed, altough the text could be a bit (1-2 secs) longer on screen, before disappearing. making reading all text a bit easier.