
Missing text mark icon (not sure if bug)

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Coordinates and map number ?

Ah… C2M3 in the castle near the fire place.

You are right. It has been removed in the current dev build. Is present in 3.1 ( Thing 5586 Type 12383 ) .

Do you have an idea when and from whom this has been removed?

Okay it is indeed there in v3.1 - and it was not intended to be removed.

I have a suspition and I hope @AFADoomer can take a look at it. Afaik, he changed the programming of the notes to spawn the marks instead of placing them manually for v3.2. Maybe this isn't working in all occations,

Another example of v3.1 in C1M!

and v3.2 in C1M1

The markers are generally missing and I am sure it's because of @AFADoomer's improvement that doesn't seem to be working anymore.

They only show up on lower two skill levels.

Confirmed. Not a bug.

I totally missed that fact. How hard would it be to change this to the first 3 skill settings? I think most players play the middle skill and I think they should not miss this feature @AFADoomer

Thank you!