
encore dev works only if angular/cli 1.7.4 is installed

Rebolon opened this issue · 0 comments

Working on feature/move-on-angular6 i wanted to remove root installation of angular/cli, coz it's useless.
But in fact i saw that without this devDeps, the command encore dev (or production) failed with this messages:

Running webpack ...

 ERROR  Failed to compile with 8 errors                                                                                                                                                               17:11:14

This dependency was not found:

* quasar-framework/dist/umd/quasar.mat.css in ./assets/js/quasar/app.js, ./assets/js/form-quasar-vuejs/app.js and 1 other

To install it, you can run: npm install --save quasar-framework/dist/umd/quasar.mat.css

These relative modules were not found:

* ./assets/css/app.scss in multi ./assets/js/app.js ./assets/css/app.scss
* ./index.css in ./assets/js/api-platform-admin-react/index.js
* ./material-icons/material-icons.css in ./node_modules/quasar-extras/material-icons.js
* ./roboto-font/roboto-font.css in ./node_modules/quasar-extras/roboto-font.js
* ./fontawesome/fontawesome.css in ./node_modules/quasar-extras/fontawesome.js

The first error can be dropped using quasar-framework/dist/quasar.mat.styl instead of umd version.
But i don't understand the next 5 errors. I checked, and i can say that relatives modules not found really exists. So what ?