Documentation: Webapp Container Instructions don't run by default
mochsner opened this issue · 2 comments
mochsner commented
Noticed the documentation for the docker version of the web app was missing some clarity on paths and such. I'm far from as well versed in Docker as I'd hope, so this isn't something I can figure out quite yet, but I wanted to go ahead and create the issue - if I figure out how to run it down the road in Docker, I'll definitely update.
Snippet from that's running into issues below:
Finally, you can start the receipt-parser-webapp.
docker run -d –network host –name “receipt-manager-webapp” -v /your/path/onDockerHost/ssl:/app/webroot/ssl -v /your/path/onDockerHost/config:/app/config -e backendIP=”backendIP” -e backendPort=”5558” -e useSSL=”false” dielee/receipt-manager-webapp:latest
Even updating the paths, I'm getting
docker: invalid reference format.
See 'docker run --help'.
monolidth commented
Yes, you are right, will fix it today. Thanks for reporting
monolidth commented
Just use -- name with two dashes