Looking for additional maintainers
hinteadan opened this issue · 19 comments
Hi all,
Due to very limited time that we can currently allocate on Metrics.NET, we would like to extend the current team of maintainers.
I'm tagging the most involved members that I can find in GitHub Insights. Please reply to this issue and let us know if you would like to join the team.
The purpose is to keep it alive, cool, working and up to date with the community needs.
The four of us (me, @PaulParau @bogdangaliceanu @LatisVlad) will still be involved as much as time allows us. This project is close to our hearts since it's a tribute to our late friend, @etishor, a unique person, great colleague and a role model who changed our lives for the better.
People whom we'd like to join the team:
@kmaragon @AmirSasson @thunderstumpges @alhardy @megakid @nkot @danielmarbach
Thank you!
Thanks @hinteadan for the honor that my name shows up in the list of people who'd like to join. Unfortunately, I don't use Metrics.NET anymore and thus I'm not a good candidate to be a maintainer since my viewpoints would be skewed and even worse completely outdated.
I second the sentiment regarding the name showing up. And I'm so sorry to hear of the terrible news. I don't use Metrics.NET anymore either. However, I still do metrics (Just not doing C# anymore). As such, I'm not as worried about being out of date on the core functionality the library offers. Just the C# language features that it may or may not use. Provided someone else can take on that responsibility, I'm happy do do what I can.
Thanks guys, I appreciate your replies!
@kmaragon I will add you nonetheless, your help is kindly appreciated. Thank you!
I am also not developing in .NET anymore. Apologies, and good luck, the project was a pleasure to work with!
Thanks for the reply @thunderstumpges, appreciate it.
If you know someone who would benefit from Metrics.NET and would like to be actively involved in maintaining it, that would be very helpful. If so please reference him to this thread. Thank you!
@kmaragon @thunderstumpges but dotnet is now at it's best 😁
@hinteadan thanks for the mention, if it were a year ago I would have taken accepted your offer, however I ended up forking when needing dotnet core support due to not being able to get any traction on that from Metrics.NET even after providing a POC unfortunately
I did have the pleasure of collaborating with @etishor , appreciate his efforts put into Metrics.NET and was sorry to here the news.
@alhardy Sorry for that. I realize we are late opening up but yeah, U know the saying, sometimes you win sometimes you learn ... from mistakes mostly.
I was thinking maybe you want to merge back your fork into this repository and continue working here, but I think you are not maintaining the fork either (last commit is Sep. 2016). And you began writing your own AppMetrics. Is that right? If so, best wishes, and sorry again!
@hinteadan all good, no need for apologies! day jobs get in the way completely understand.
Correct, the fork was just a POC, AppMetrics just come about as a continuation on what I required at the time.
Hello friends, I'm dot.net c# developer (from Israel). I'm using metrics.net and love it. Can help little bit.
I'm working on Gigya (https://github.com/gigya), and we do work daily with Metrics.NET
I would love to join the team.
Thank you!
Thank you!
We use Metrics.NET in production so would love to join the team also. My main focus would be .NET Standard compatibility - I think we should split the Metrics.NET library into separate repos, builds, nuget packages.
Would be happy to contribute!
@PaulParau How do I publish a new nuget package?
Roughly, the update procedure is:
- first updating the relevant versions (SharedAssemblyInfo, and the nuspecs of the affected packages - in this case both the core metrics library, and the owin adapter were changed since the last released version so nuspecs of both packages needed to be updated - you can have a look at my latest commit)
- update the push-nuget.bat script with the proper versions
- update changelog
- tag the new version
- commit
- run create-nuget.bat to create the packages
- edit push-nuget.bat so that you only push the affected packages (the script contains instructions for all of them)
- run push-nuget.bat
The catch is, that you have to have ownership of the package on nuget.org and have a valid API key for the last step. Right now, only the original maintainers have ownership of the packages, so you'll have to rely on us to push new versions for now.
I've pushed new versions of both packages.
@PaulParau Thank you