how to read multiple channels raw file in python.
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Priyanka260895 commented
``# This is single channel raw file read code
import IMCtermite
import json
import os
import datetime
#import pdb
declare and initialize instance of "imctermite" by passing a raw-file
try :
imcraw = IMCtermite.imctermite(b"Measurement.raw")
except RuntimeError as e :
raise Exception("failed to load/parse raw-file: " + str(e))
obtain list of channels as list of dictionaries (without data)
channels = imcraw.get_channels(False)
print(json.dumps(channels,indent=4, sort_keys=False))
print("number of channels: " + str(len(channels)))
obtain all channels (including full data)
channelsdata = imcraw.get_channels(True)
everything that follows is an example that specifically makes use only of
the first (index = 0) channel ...
idx = 0
if len(channelsdata) > 0 :
# get first channel's data
chnydata = channelsdata[idx]['ydata']
chnxdata = channelsdata[idx]['xdata']
print("xdata: " + str(len(chnxdata)))
print("ydata: " + str(len(chnydata)))
# extract trigger-time
trigtim = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(channels[idx]["trigger-time"])
# file output of data with absolute timestamp in 1st column
filname = os.path.join("./",channelsdata[idx]['name']+".csv")
print("writing output into " + filname)
with open(filname,'w') as fout :
# include column header
fout.write( str(channelsdata[idx]['xname']) + '[' + str(channelsdata[idx]['xunit']) + "]"
+ ","
+ str(channelsdata[idx]['yname']) + '[' + str(channelsdata[idx]['yunit']) + "]"
+ "\n" )
# add data (introduce time shift according to trigger-time)
for row in range(0,len(chnxdata)) :
fout.write( str( (trigtim + datetime.timedelta(seconds=chnxdata[row])).isoformat() )
+ ","
+ str( chnydata[row])
+ "\n" )
Priyanka260895 commented
How to read multiple channel raw file in python?