
EDIT #3 : 4-20-24 lesser freedom then yesterday - with picture of ToS

Closed this issue · 5 comments

A NOTED THANK YOU Red dot - for doing such a nice service for us in the git, this business doesn't respect freedom of use to purchase, and you tried to give us that freedom to use what we bought. I appreciate you.

IMPORTANT 1: update: April 18th - seems it has been patched, (it must have a silence patcher in the app trying to call home and replace files on detection.) I can no longer use the apply button, does nothing.

IMPORTANT 2 : Update number 2: REWASD-Daemon tools is removing all versions of REWASD that are 7.0 and 7.1 from their archive downloads, i can't even download it as a license user anymore. and even if attempting to reinstall a older version, they have locked the user from activating the software on that system that is "Old Versions" . They are now strengthening security and removing compromising vulnerabilities.

NOTE SUGGESTION: Open a hidden discord for future projects based on this topic development. , can leave bread crumbs vague with just a pastebin link to live development activities using your profiles reputation ,to a disc DM server. - can keep code hidden in development chats moderation and make public when perfected development release.

FINAL REPORT: UPDATE 3: (uploaded REWASD discord message about the patch and tightened security.)



UPDATED ToS Today 4/20/24 -


Yeah apply button no longer works, they somehow patched it. Using the march 3 release with no license.

It looks like REWASD wants to battle back again this

USER NOTICE : Also keep in mind they data collect from you to make more profit to an extent , they won't let you use the application for a very long time of use in (offline mode) and the app forces you to reconnect to keep using your "Life Time" service,

however this Life Time is undermined if you have no internet to use the application. So the REWASD becomes a waste of money when you can't use it offline after a period of time.

This is done intentionally by design for data collection, they also want to have your System ID "to be not moving around to much to other pc's" they will make your activation suspended, and also they penalize you to wait longer to reactivate your account status to use REWASD again.

So in intention they penalize you for moving your license to a PC to many times in the 3 months.

  • Sketchy stuff, and this is by design, they want to stay connected to your pc for Data selling and collection

  • . -

  • I shall testify they tried to lock me out of Rewasd because i revoked my license to diagnostic my computer- i reinstalled my OS 4 times , so i had to reactivate my account 4x as well, every time i reinstall windows it has a different System ID.

  • Doing so causes their system to assume i moved my account to 4PC's , and i have been told by their development team that this is also intentional. even if you are on the same computer you will be penalized with no warning. Even the Terms of Service does not talk about this!

  • while trying to diagnose computer issues. they blocked my license to activate for 4 weeks or so.

  • So if you want to have control over you purchase of REWASD it is best to let development theory and critical thinking stew for awhile til they can destroy the silence patcher.
    Respect development time and theory and the developers hard work.

  • I decided to testify against them on this information because of them not respecting users and being greedy to the point of calling the developer "illegal activity" on his development. when you still have to buy the license and they get money off you from your data, and disrespect your freedom rights to purchase and use your tool freely even offline.


Screened Email:


They updated their Terms of service and made it worse today.
Now they can delete your account if you revoke your license to much. Lesser freedom then yesterday.


Wow, they really did step up their game to a crisp. Software is more robust and secured against cracking.

I like to see that, but I quite don't agree with a few decisions they did and they properly shot themselves on their foot.
Hence all the drama lately.