
Linux support and update

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I would like to know what the "linux file" is as I am using debian and would like to use this sorter but I can't seem to figure out what file type nms-sort-o-matic-linux is, as there is no .extention. I have tried to call the program in terminal with and without the path to the save file. nms-sort-o-matic-linux /mnt/bla/bla/save.hg Also tried using java to open it java nms-sort-o...

Tried using Wine cmd.exe as stated in the instructions. 'nms-sort-o-matic z:/mnt/nvme-intel/steam/bla/bla/save.hg'. This works but corrupts the save file.

If you could update the to include how to use the linux version. Please and thank you.

In linux, you just run it like this:

./nms-sort-o-matic-linux sort <save game location>

AFAIK, linux based OSes do not have a standard files extension for executables like Windows does.