
GetDomainSid.cs should have domain

ymgh96 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, This is a simple problem.
You said in readme, the GetDomainSid function by default takes current domain if no domain is provided. But we should specify domain name for using. I also check in code, it checks providing domain really.

It already does this. You can specify a domain name to use, or don't specify anything, and then it uses the current domain

I put my output in bellow code block! It shows that enter domain name is not optional!

EDD.exe -f GetDomainSid

[X] Failure to enumerate info - EDD.Models.EDDException: DomainName cannot be empty
   at EDD.Functions.GetDomainSid.Execute(ParsedArgs args)

[!] EDD is done running!

Also according to its code it is obvious.