
Dataframe TTL doesn't include schema keys

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've noticed that following configuration:

    .option("table", "example")
    .option("ttl", 60)

allows me to keep data in Redis for 60 seconds. It works as expected. But I've observed that schema key (_spark:example:schema) is being kept. This causes a problem when reading: I can't tell if data is in cache or not. Because, following:

Dataset<Row> loadedDataset = spark.getSession().read()
        .option("table", "example")

responds with valid Dataset (none exception thrown).

Is there any way to propagate TTL to schema keys as well? Thanks!

fe2s commented

Hi @folfix,
the TTL option affects rows only and not table schema. Can you check that returned dataframe is empty?

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