
Can I use swagger-ui instead of ReDoc?

vadymhimself opened this issue · 4 comments

ReDoc doesn't seem to support OpenAPI 3.0


resolver.js:63 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'definitions' of null
    at module.exports.Resolver.resolve (resolver.js:63)
    at client.js:249
    at module.exports.SwaggerSpecConverter.finish (spec-converter.js:650)
    at module.exports.SwaggerSpecConverter.convert (spec-converter.js:24)
    at response (client.js:247)
    at responseInterceptor (http.js:79)
    at obj.on.response (http.js:98)
    at http.js:362
    at Request.callback (client.js:692)
    at Request.<anonymous> (client.js:514)

nevermind, I think this is due to the lack of 3.0 support. Very disappointed

ReDoc does support. But this repo is just a high-level wrapper of ReDoc and is not yet updated to OpenAPI 3.
Your help would be much appreciated: #15

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