
Support URL in `preview` command

ArtFlag opened this issue · 4 comments

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I store my specs on a remote url and I would like to preview them locally but npx -y @redocly/cli preview doesn't seem to take urls, only local paths. I'm getting Unknown argument.

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I'd like for this command to take URLs. For example, with the pet store API on a gist:

npx -y @redocly/cli preview

Seems I was using preview instead of preview-docs, which does what I need 👍

Reopening because I think the preview command should accept a URL as well as an input.

@adamaltman could you say more about which URLs should be supported? preview is for running realm locally in develop mode. To preview docs with open source Redoc, the preview-docs command is correct and that does support an OpenAPI file either with a local path or with a remote URL.

preview command should work in the same way as preview-docs and work with a remote URL.