

Closed this issue · 11 comments

import cn.nukkit.level.sound.ClickSound;

import cn.nukkit.level.sound.ClickSound;

I have to delete it


Worst of all, NukkitX has reversed everything. You should delete it or add also, even when it is not eaten

1.2 Version from NUKKITX, this oldest.

As it is an old version, if you want to use it in new versions you will have to update

So you based on the code of Gsound 4.0 is not? I hear it

Take a look at Gsound code

Sorry if my words are not correct due to google translations

Not is based, in actually GSound 4.0

No, I mean you should rely on it

Google translates, it is unstable

This plugin is incomplete, and also uses the old SOUND method

It's great, I support you