Currency Converter demo by Refaat

This demo provides a fast and easy calculator for converting one currency to another using the latest live exchange rates provided by Currency Converter API

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The app tech:

  • Kotlin.
  • Android SDK 32.
  • Clear Arch (Use cases & MVVM) architecture pattern.
  • Single source of truth pattern.
  • Data caching using Room.
  • Dependency injection (Dagger Hilt).
  • ViewModel.
  • Coroutines Flow.
  • Retrofit.
  • Glide.
  • Material design.
  • ViewBinding.

How to run the app

  • Clone the repository to Android Studio.
  • Register at Currency Converter API to get your API_KEY.
  • Put the following line to your file".
  • Sync the run :)

App Screenshots

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot


  • Add Unit tests.
  • Add Integration tests.
  • Add End-to-end tests.
