
Implement basic representations of all major game elements

Closed this issue · 7 comments

The following game elements need stubs for their representations, which should be done in separate classes (similar to how we did MM17). Try not to introduce circular dependencies :P

  • Game boards/maps (should bases be broken out, or just a var in the game board)
  • Towers
  • Attack units

This should be very simple to stub out. Remember to update the design document as needed,

I'm thinking just a var since they only really have health...

@ClareCat For which item; attack units?

@dylnuge firstly omg @ tags!!! And that was about the bases. I was thinking - do we want the tower and attack unit specialisations to be like a subclass or just like a variable type thing or something else that I don't know?

My thought on specializations was an enum that tells it to read in constants from a different file based on the value of the enum. But maybe I'm crazy and that's overcomplicated.

wait what? Sorry if this sounds dumb, but what's an enum?

@dylnuge So I looked up enums and sort of understand what they do.. and the internet told me they aren't in python

Done a while ago, never closed.