
Disable "x3" background image for splash page

DeeDeeG opened this issue · 2 comments

Will update with details in a moment. Updated!

Basically, the x3 city-photo.jpg never shows up much sharper than the x2 city-photo.jpg... It's almost always fine to use the x1 or the x2 photo.

However, the x3 image uses more data, making our page slower, and making the site costlier for those on "limited data plan" internet connections.

I think the x1 and x2 image are good enough.

How to do this:

One would only need to delete lines 8 through 12 in the app/assets/stylesheets/_mobile.scss file, here: link

Bonus info (neat to know):

For reference, these are the background images we load, based on how "pixel-dense" a user's screen is:

And here is the original "source" image that we got these from:

(Smaller images were made by scaling down in GIMP or Photoshop, then using various jpeg compression software. specifically: Guetzli for the x1 image, jpeg-recompress for the x2 image, and mozjpeg for 3x)

See Pull Request #495, where this is being worked on.