A 2D online multiplayer game taking place in a submarine travelling through the icy depths of Jupiter's moon Europa.
- AcerixxPoland
- Cjggz
- conan513Single Player Project
- Deathlymad
- deltaone
- EggVonel
- ekqvist@FakeFishGames
- elwray
- EtgOST
- Faerdan
- Fatmice
- gr43mtr
- Hotmud9
- hypnosundermoon
- itchyOwl
- Jallu
- jguenther
- jhcloos
- JingHaoYaoMississauga, Ontario
- KacperLenczewskiPoland
- KhalilBenGaied
- Kobra299England
- LemonStem
- mheyberg
- Mike-G5United States
- MSylviaBoston, MA
- NilanthAnimosusUnited Kingdom - England
- Nin10doGMod
- Plastogerm
- Pushistickk
- Regalis11Turku, Finland
- SovietBone
- taggedzi
- Thundros
- trollpolado
- turingkellyHolzheim, Neu-Ulm