
FakeSMC is not working

StevenKwan opened this issue · 5 comments

First of all, thank you for your kind help to let us using perfect Mac OS in intel NUC.

I was updated 10.14 last night and I switched to branch AppleALC. Everything work fine including audio. But the master branch can not use audio by the way. And I saw what you said in tonymac is that you want to keep separate to test.

But in 10.13.6. and 10.14 both FakeSMC is not working. I can't see any sensor in iStat Menus.

And I use to replace FakeSMC and others sensors kext to EFI/CLOVER/kext/Other and /Library/Extensions/. After that I have sensors temperature.

Why not considering merge the latest version FakeSMC into this repo?


FakeSMC is working or otherwise you wouldn't be able to boot.
By default, the scripts do not install the FakeSMC sensor kexts... only FakeSMC.kext itself. The sensors are inefficient, so I don't use them. You will find them in your _downloads/kexts/FakeSMC* folder and you can install them manually.
The scripts download FakeSMC from the same location you mention.

The master branch audio works just fine. You probably forgot to update config.plist when you updated to 10.14. It has some changed KextsToPatch in it.

Thank you for your reply.

I don't know the sensors are inefficient. Because NUC is poor heat dissipation and my system reboot suddenly sometime. I thought it was the temperature too high that reboot by some automatic protection. So I considering install the the sensors that the Mac OS can perception of temperature and slow down the processor frequency. And I was wronged.

on the other hand, I think I was update my config.plist and using the master branch name "add KP logging KernelToPatch entries" after update 10.14, but the audio doesn't work. And the I switch to AppleALC branch and install again. Audio works. I just want to give you a reference.

I am using NUC6i7kyk by the way.


Both master and applealc work for audio. My main computer is NUC6i7KYK right now.
Both require completely different config.plist, kexts, and ACPI files
(eg. each time you switch, you must redo all post-instal steps).
Audio with 'master' has the additional requirement mentioned in the guide: boot without caches, rebuild cache, reboot.

Thank you RehabMan. You are so enthusiastic.

But the latest version of clover was removed "boot without caches" that I don't know how to boot without caches.

Your audio is come from the front audio jet or from DP audio output? Because I am using DP audio output and I can't see the option in system audio settings when I using master branch. I think the reason why is that I didn't rebuild my caches. I know how to rebuild but I don't know how to boot without caches right now. And I am sure I already update my config.plist.

On the other hand, the config.plist still need to patch USB 3.0 right? or it can be fixed by rebuild caches?


My Clover fork has "without caches" restored.
For official Clover (sourceforge), you can add kernel flag -f.
And here is another way I've found to work:
sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext
sudo kextcache -i /

Then reboot.

But you should be using the forums for troubleshooting, as it would allow you to upload PR files...
The issues database here is not very convenient for tech support.