
Travelling until i couldnt stop

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All my travelling ended up rejecting me, until now.
I did not travel before a years time ago. Then i took what money i had, and what friend i had and decided to go around different places of the world. I saw some things, that i had dreamed about. Other things i wish i did not see.
I was sure about travelling forever, i wanted to learn more and experience places that could shift my energy all together.
One day i took a last travel. I only believed it would be another vacation and that i would continue going.
Everything went wrong. I had not packed right, the food on the flight made me sick, and there was an accident in front of me,
before i reached hotel.
Was it me ruining my own travel, or was it a sign.
Somehow i never could get the right schedule or timing to travel again, so i realuzed the travel had ended for me, bluntly, as if it divorced me and i cried. It has been long since that travel, and i miss the vacation, now without nu plan to go.