Better support for mutating Tuples
Closed this issue · 1 comments
mdashti commented
This code works:
using Blobs
struct Foo
bbv = Blobs.malloc_and_init(BlobVector{Foo}, 3)
@show bbv[][1]
bbv[1].x[] = 1
bbv[1].y[] = 2.1
@show bbv[][1]
But, the same code does not work if you replace Foo
with Tuple
using Blobs
bbv = Blobs.malloc_and_init(BlobVector{Tuple{Int, Float32}}, 3)
@show bbv[][1]
bbv[1][1][] = 1
bbv[1][2][] = 2.1
@show bbv[][1]
Here is the error:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching getindex(::Blob{Tuple{Int64,Float32}}, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
getindex(::Blob{T}) where T at /Users/dashti/.julia/packages/Blobs/bMFUi/src/blob.jl:45
getindex(::Blob{T}, ::Type{Val{field}}) where {T, field} at /Users/dashti/.julia/packages/Blobs/bMFUi/src/blob.jl:83
[1] top-level scope at none:0