Is this code correct?
YLRong opened this issue · 1 comments
YLRong commented
In file: netvlad/yael_dummy/yael_nn.m
ds= sum( bsxfun(@minus, v, q(:,1)).^2, 1 );
Should it be as following?
ds= sum( bsxfun(@minus, v, q(:,iVec)).^2, 1 );
Relja commented
Thanks for this. Yes I think you are right, I'll fix it in a few days as I'm on holiday right now so don't have easy access. Sorry for the bug - the files in this folder are truely "dummy" as I never used them and only provided them for people who don't want to install yael, and I also think the NetVLAD code only uses single queries anyway (might be wrong). But using yael makes everything much faster so I really recommend you to install it if you haven't.