
[BUG] Number of albums multiplied by scans/user

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Describe the bug
I'm running: occ audioplayer:scan --all on my six-user system. All users have set the same record with music files. The number of albums is added per user and run:

# sudo -u apache php -f occ audioplayer:scan --all
Start scan for ***
Start processing of audio files
Audios found: 3119 <--
Duplicates found: 0
Written to library: 3119
Albums found: 262 <--
Errors: 0
Start scan for ***
Start processing of audio files
Audios found: 3119 <--
Duplicates found: 0
Written to library: 3119
Albums found: 524 <--
Errors: 0
Start scan for ***
Start processing of audio files
Audios found: 3119 <--
Duplicates found: 0
Written to library: 3119
Albums found: 786 <--
Errors: 0
Start scan for ***
Start processing of audio files
Audios found: 3119 <--
Duplicates found: 0
Written to library: 3119
Albums found: 1048 <--
Errors: 0
Start scan for ***
Start processing of audio files
Audios found: 3119 <--
Duplicates found: 0
Written to library: 3119
Albums found: 1310 <--
Errors: 0
Start scan for ***
Start processing of audio files
Audios found: 3119 <--
Duplicates found: 0
Written to library: 3119
Albums found: 1572 <--
Errors: 0

It should be the same number of audio files and albums for each user.

To Reproduce
Start occ audioplayer:scan --all via console. Reproducible always.


  • Nextcloud 27.1.7
  • Audioplayer 3.4.1
  • Apache 2.4.59 (Unix)
  • PHP 8.1.26
  • PostgreSQL 14.12

Nextcloud log
No entries in this context.