
Turning off NvApiWrapper results in permanent refreshing screen

Neocyte opened this issue · 7 comments

Describe the bug

When editing sources under Settings -> Sensors and turning off NvApiWrapper, the user is prompted to refresh the application. In my experience, clicking "Yes" results in a permanent refreshing screen even after 30 minutes of waiting.

The sensors Motherboard, CPU, and GPU are still ticked on as default. And I made sure to save the default configuration before editing any sensors.

Is there a log.txt file next to FanControl.exe with recent date entries?


Relevant hardware specs and setup

4090 FE
Asrock B650E PG-ITX

Rem0o commented

Please swap this version I made with extra logs, and do the same thing, then post the new logs here. Use the appropriate net4.8 or net8.0 version depending of what you got installed.


Here are the new logs with the swapped version. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anything different from my earlier logs.

Rem0o commented

The way you captured the video we can't see the dialog windows.

Rem0o commented

Also here is yet another go at this.


It seems that the newest .dll from completely solved the infinite refresh issue. I have attached videos properly demonstrating the issue from before and after.

Rem0o commented

Fantastic thanks for the videos, makes it much easier to see what's going on. Glad it fixes the issue. Highlighted a flaw in the refresh process. The fix will be in the next release, in the meantime keep the Dll I gave you.