
Tray icon font loss its boldness now it looks ugly since v192

MrManinBlack1337 opened this issue ยท 13 comments

How do I make it look like previous versions?

Screenshot 2024-06-06 101537

Screenshot 2024-06-06 105905

Hmm. I've also faced the same Issue. From version 192 it became like this and Couldn't find any solution

Same problem here

Would be nice if we were able to customize the font and size of the tray indicator.

Agreed. Tray icon is no longer bold and extremely difficult to read.

My Corsair plugin also seems to be showing a decimal value now, as well.

Same thing here. Readability is really bad now, especially compared to Windows font it looks like it's not supposed to be there aymore.

i dont remember seeing a decimals before, but they sure do look borked

Thank you for the quick update!


Thanks for the Update. It was quick ๐Ÿ˜Š

Still Ugly.
Why did you stop using the same font as the program? Just as how it was before.

Because that font can't accommodate 3 digits in 16x16.

Because that font can't accommodate 3 digits in 16x16.

So sad...
Would it be too inefficient to use the previous font for 2 digits?