User creates new game
Opened this issue · 0 comments
Remchi commented
Game attributes:
- title
- system_id (auto-complete list)
- short_description
- full_description
- cover_image
- status: lfp, in progress, paused, cancelled, finished
- published_at
- published: boolean
- min_players
- max_players
- game_type: one-shot, adventure, campaign, epic, open-table
- game_session_duration: integer (hours)
- virtual_table_app: roll20, fg, other...
- (many) proposed_days
After game creation GM is redirected to this game page, where he can edit, delete or publish it.
- Design game create form
- Auto-complete system field, if system doesn't exist - create new one
- Component for adding days and times for future games