
Aplicação web para gerenciamento de membros e eventos de uma pequena igreja.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A small sized web app written in C# for managing church-related subjects.

Getting Started

After cloning the repository build the project to make sure everything is okay. Then, run the command to create the database and the tables. By default, it will create an SQLite database. To change that, navigate to appsettings.json




Deployment at Heroku

Inside the ekklesia project build the docker file using the following command.

docker build -t ekklesia:1.2 .

After that, tag the heroku target image.

docker tag ekklesia:1.2 registry.heroku.com/ekklesia-app/web

Pushing the docker image to heroku.

heroku container:push web -a ekklesia-app

Releasing the container on heroku.

heroku container:release web -a ekklesia-app

Change the launchSettings.json file. Replace the value of the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT property from Development to Production. That change will make the app use the Postgres database.

screen shots

GitHub Logo

Working demo
