[CRITICAL] Where is the maintained original oidn repository
abebeos opened this issue · 8 comments
This repository has no commit activity since over a year.
I am assuming that
- oidn is not maintained anymore
- there is another repository where development happens
Please clarify this (ideally prominently within e.g. the README, so users can see/know it immediately)
Open Image Denoise 2.0 has been already announced publicly and will be released soon.
Is it an internal repo? I cannot find anything.
It is an internal repo.
It is an internal repo.
You should clarify this in the readme.
Otherwise it looks really abandoned.
So, one cannot contribute/influence the development.
Are you aware if 2.0 has bazel support (at least an external one, in the form of a repo rules_oidn)?
2.0 won't ship with Bazel support. That's all I know for sure.
Ok, ty for the info.
Please ensure to add a readme note re ongoing internal 2.0 work.
And consider to change your dev-model to an open one in future.
@atafra , will 2.0 support mac M1?
(is there any announcement re the functionality of the 2.0 version? would be nice. A public Release Candidate would be of course even better)