
Test.cpp wrong expected result

tomato3107 opened this issue · 1 comments

The first test expects encoded = "UmVuw6kgTnlmZmVuZWdnZXIKaHR0cDovL3d3dy5yZW5lbnlmZmVuZWdnZXIuY2gKcGFzc2lvbiBmb3IgZGF0YQo=".
On my Windows this decodes to "René Nyffenegger\n\npassion for data\n"

Shouldn't the encoded value be

Codepage problem?

All other tests succeed.

Yes, the reason is the encoding with which test.cpp is encoded. Your value is the result for latin-1 while "mine" is the result if the file is encoded in UTF-8.