
new release

Mitch-Altman opened this issue · 11 comments

Question: When are you guys planning on launching a new version? Because looking at the closed pull requests there's a lot that is fixed.

Just wondering! :)

D40G commented

@Iitsmemitchell you can just download the source code and run it.. its the same thing..

I have been updating the releases so it should be the latest version.

We're having a lot of problems with the renewed phone and renewed banking. One of the problems was with the banking that the ui doesn't open. Reading trough the previous issues it was due to downloading the wrong file. I needed to download the release was told. And it worked. UI opened in my dev server. All good. But then when I commit and push my working renewed-banking to my production server and do a pull there it doesn't work. The UI doesn't open. No errors, nothing.

Same with the phone. Works perfectly in the dev. But when pushed to the production machine; shared jobs not working as an example.

My suspicion lays with the way it's coded trough Svelte but I still can't get my finger on the exact problem.

Is there any way you guys have an idea what I could do to make this work?

The problem is not in my git setup or servers. That's for sure.

Pretty sure the issue is with git, Attempt to upload the resource directly to your server.

That's a no go. The way it works is pretty simple but when i push changes to the dev branch it will git pull on the production and do a full git reset --hard. This means that all changes get deployed on the production server. As i said, its only with renewed products.. There is no way this is a git issue, other than it has to do something with the .gitignore in the renewed scripts.

This is the steps the script is doing we're using:

rm -rf cache
echo "Cache folder removed"
cd resources
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/develop
git pull
git lfs pull

Also, in the renewed discord; more people have mentioned they have this issue

Got the same issue. Different outcome on different OS's
On my linux centos 7 (dont blame me), I got it working just with the release download like in issue #12
On same linux machine running on other port we got the opposite, no UI at all.
On my windows 10, progressbar is showing up, mouse is showing but no UI.
I also tried the source itself and not the one in release section.
Same result.

Something is wrong but cannot pin point the exact issue.

EDIT: Gonna try #23

Can I be so rude to ask what you changed? Verry curious!! Imma test it tomorrow; it's 01:30 am now

@uShifty Tried the update, it now went from just nothing and the mouse pointer in screen, to a little box with a loading icon in it which is turning endlessly. Progression i may say haha

Do we already got any updates regarding this issue?

try using v1.0.2 it worked for me