
Garage comes with an error and dosent show any vehicle

gusseglue opened this issue · 5 comments

When i open the garage app on the phone then there comes an error over the server console.

I am getting this error instead of that.

Try making sure your vehicles are in the vehicles.lua under qb-core/shared/vehicles.lua

any fix?

Hmm I really dont know what happened but managed to fix my issue. I'd say make sure any vehicle addons is added within your vehicke.lua first

qb-phone garage err
I have the same problem, I can't see my vehicles? Do you know any fix??

qb-core/shared/vehicles.lua i have Blista in this list but not seen my phone ?

can be fix I closed some lines and added this code and it was fixed, details are in the attached picture.
local function GetGarageNamephone(name)
for k,v in pairs(Garages) do
if k == name then
return true
qb-phone garage fix