
AngularJS and Ember.js

Opened this issue · 2 comments

AngularJS, produced by Google, and Ember.js, which has grown out of the SproutCore framework, represent the continued evolution of JavaScript on the client-side.

These advanced frameworks, employing techniques such as Model-View-Controller and declarative syntax, are designed with the developer of large-scale, complex JavaScript applications in mind.

Are you thinking that there will be a separate talk on these?

For Ember at least, even though its being used, may want to be postponed until it hits its major release (not long now). If its covered sooner, the talk should be pegged to a specific set of dependencies with examples stored in this repo.

This is another one where I would be happy to contribute so long as there is interest

I'm going to be talking on Angular.js on June 17th.