
UI to render ReproSchema based protocols and assessments.

Primary LanguageVueOtherNOASSERTION



This repository contains the code for the user-interface for the ReproSchema.

See it in action HERE

List of supported input types

The inputType is checked by src/components/InputSelector/InputSelector.vue which then calls the appropriate component.

Most of them are in the folder src/components/Inputs/

One exception is :

  • sign: src/components/StudySign.StudySign.vue

Text inputs

  • text: WebTextInput/TextInput.vue
  • multitext: MultiTextInput/MultiTextInput.vue
  • email: EmailInput/EmailInput.vue

Numerical values

  • number: WebIntegerInput/IntegerInput.vue
  • float: WebFloatInput/FloatInput.vue

Audio inputs

  • audioCheck: AudioCheck/AudioCheck.vue
  • audioRecord: WebAudioRecord/Audio.vue
  • audioPassageRecord: WebAudioRecord/Audio.vue
  • audioImageRecord: WebAudioRecord/Audio.vue
  • audioRecordNumberTask: WebAudioRecord/Audio.vue
  • audioAutoRecord: AudioCheckRecord/AudioCheckRecord.vue

Time and dates inputs

  • date: YearInput/YearInput.vue
  • year: YearInput/YearInput.vue
  • timeRange: TimeRange/TimeRange.vue

Multiple options inputs

  • radio: WebRadio/Radio.vue
  • select: SelectInput/SelectInput.vue
  • selectLanguage: SelectInput/SelectInput.vue
  • selectCountry: SelectInput/SelectInput.vue
  • selectState: SelectInput/SelectInput.vue


  • slider: SliderInput/SliderInput.vue
  • documentUpload: DocumentUpload/DocumentUpload.vue
  • save: SaveData/SaveData.vue
  • static: Static/Static.vue
  • StaticReadOnly: Static/Static.vue

Viewing an certain protocol or activity with the app

If you just want to view a protocol using the reproschema-ui you can pass the URL of the protocol schema to the url query parameter like this:


If you are hosting a schema on github, make sure that you are passing the URL of the raw content of the protocol schema. For example, our demo protocol can be accessed at this URL:


But to get access to the raw content of that file you must click on the Raw button that will open this URL:


Similarly, to view a single activity you can simply do this:


When you want to make a standalone app for your study / protocol, you should modify the URL next to githubSrc in the file src/config.js to make it point to the URL of your schema. If you are using GitHub it should point to the raw Github pointer.

Also make sure that assetsPublicPath and backendServer are pointing the correct things.

module.exports = {
  /* eslint-disable */
  githubSrc: 'url-to-your-protocol_schema',
  banner: 'This service is a demonstration for the ReproNim project.',
  startButton: 'Join',
  assetsPublicPath: '/reproschema-ui/',
  backendServer: 'https://sig.mit.edu/vb/'

Reference material

This app use Vue.js, a javascript framework.

Working on this will most likely require you to have some knowledge of HTML, CSS and javascript.

For some free introductory material to javascript you can check the mozilla MDN or the W3 school.

For introductory material on Vue you can start by having a look at the guide. For a more detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.

You can also find many non-free courses for all of the above on udemy or similar MOOC services.

App architecture

app architecture

Serve the app on your computer

If you want help us improve the app and work on it on your computer, you will need to fork this repository and clone it on your machine.

If you don't have node or are not familiar with it, the easiest option is to use a Docker setup.

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd):/src --entrypoint bash \
    --platform linux/amd64 node:21.7.2-bookworm-slim

In the container terminal

cd /src
npm install
npm run serve

This serves the app with hot reload at localhost:8080: in other words you will be able to see the app run if you open a browser and go to this URL localhost:8080.

Build for production with minification

npm run build

Build for production and view the bundle analyzer report

npm run build --report

Run unit tests

npm run test:unit

Run e2e tests

npm run test:e2e

Run all tests

npm test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

To test protocols and schemas locally

Run this cors server script in the root directory of your reproschema. For example, if you clone the demo-protocol, run the script inside the cloned directory. This script will serve the tree locally.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# It's python3 -m http.server PORT for a CORS world

from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
import sys

class CORSRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):

    def end_headers(self):
        self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
        self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS')
        self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Authorization')
        self.send_header('Cache-Control', 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate')
        return super(CORSRequestHandler, self).end_headers()

    def do_OPTIONS(self):
        self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
        self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS')
        self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Authorization')

host = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else ''
port = int(sys.argv[len(sys.argv)-1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 8000

print("Listening on {}:{}".format(host, port))
httpd = HTTPServer((host, port), CORSRequestHandler)

Change config.js in this ui repo to point to your local schema. For example, if you cloned the demo protocol it would look like this:

  githubSrc: 'http://localhost:8000/DemoProtocol/DemoProtocol_schema',