A "Why I use juypter notebook" page of testimonials
Opened this issue · 2 comments
I really like the question that @hlapp posed, asking the audience, "What is most powerful thing about Jupyter notebook?" (see line 88 of this etherpad [1] for responses)
One of my favorite things about the software carpentry instructor trainer lessons is the extras page called: instructor testimonials [2].
Can we create an extras page where people write up their reason why they love using Juypter Notebook?
[1] http://etherpad.software-carpentry.org/RR-Jupyter-Hackathon-Jan-2016
[2] http://swcarpentry.github.io/instructor-training/testimonials/
Great idea. We could start one on the wiki?
New wiki page created. Please add the testimonial that you shared with the group yesterday. Feel free to elaborate or share multiple powerful things.